This program reads well header data and production logs (e.g. exported from Drilling Info as .csv files) and walks the user through the genreation of decline curves for each well provided in the input data. Decine curves are fit with a the hyperbolic curve that is estimated using an iterative least squares method.
Python 2.7
Required Libraries
- sys
- os
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib version 1.5.3
- geopy
- mpl_toolkits.basemap
Examples in ./data
prepare data by deleting all the commas from the values in the 'Well production data' and 'well header data' files
This can be done easily in excel with find-and-replace.
Follow the prompts after starting program
Based on
Results are saved to ./results
NOTE: this function will only work if shapefiles are provided in a folder located at '../well_decline_curve_shapefiles/*'
The shapefiles used in this function are:
- map.readshapefile('../well_decline_curve_shapefiles/PB_County/PB_County', 'PB_County', drawbounds = False)
- map.readshapefile('../well_decline_curve_shapefiles/PB_County/PB_County', 'PB_State', drawbounds = False)
- map.readshapefile('../well_decline_curve_shapefiles/PB_County/PB_County', 'PB_survey', drawbounds = False)
Mapping results are saved to ./results
Open Stories: 3. batch-process multiple GPS locations