This asset is aimed at enabling Azure AD Priviliged Identity Management enrolment and initalt role setup. Ideally used as a supporting back-end function during new Azure subscription creation. Main target scenarios for this PowerShell function library and supporting wrapper script:
- Azure Subscription enrolment into Azure AD PIM
- Set Azure AD PIM Role Settings for Azure resources according to function baseline
- Add Azure AD Groups as members of Azure roles controlled by Azure AD PIM at Subscription scope
- PowerShell
- Azure AD PIM license
- Azure subscription to host the back-end service
- Azure resource group
- Dedicated service accounts (one Azure AD User Account and one SPN) to perform the highly privliged PIM actions. Enusre the identities have the following permission:
- Azure AD User Account:
- Assign Azure AD Role "Privileged Role administrator"
- Assign Azure "User Access Administrator" role assigned on applicable Azure scope depening on your management group structure (recommendation: apply at root level)
- SPN (modules assume SPN will authenticate with Secret not Certificate):
- Assign Azure "Reader" role assigned on applicable Azure scope depening on your management group structure (recommendation: apply at root level)
- Azure Active Directory Graph
- Directory.Read.All of Type:Application
- Microsoft Graph
- Group.Read.All of Type: Delegated
- PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureResources of Type: Delegated
- PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureAD of Type: Delegated (optional future proofing)
- PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureADGroup of Type: Delegated (optional future proofing)
- Directory.Read.All of Type: Delegated and Application (optional future proofing)
- Azure AD User Account:
- Add the following modules into the Azure Automation Account
- Az.Accounts
- Az.Automation
- Az.Resources
- Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
- Microsoft.Graph.Groups
- Update the newly created Azure Automation Credential objects
- For credential: "pimusersvc"
- As username enter the user service account upn you have created for this service
- As password enter your secret password as the password
- For credential: "pimspnsvc"
- As username enter the spn service account client id you have created for this service xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
- As password enter your secret as the password
- For credential: "pimusersvc"
- In PowerShell create the following objects as input parameters for the runbook job (remember to add your aad group id, azrole id, rg name and automation account name):
$AADGROUPS = @( @{ ObjectId="<InsertAADGroupID>"} )
$AZROLEDEFIDS = @( @{ Id="<InsertAzureRoleID>"} )
$AADGROUPS = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $AADGROUPS
- Submit the job to the Azure Automation Runbook
Start-AzAutomationRunbook -Name Script -ResourceGroupName <InsertRGName> -AutomationAccountName psaadpim-aa -Parameters $params
- Discover more about the syntax of the Script.ps1 wrapper by examining the synopsis in that file
- Discover more about the syntax of the PSAADPim.ps1 functions by examining the synopsis in that file but start with the Script.ps1 file