LunarLaunchWrapper is a tiny kotlin wrapper to download and launch Lunar from the CLI or from a Minecraft launcher of your choice.
To use this, simply start the jar file with the --module
and --version
argument as well as the main class wtf.zani.launchwrapper.LunarLaunchWrapper
If you want to use this on the PrismMC launcher, you will have to create a new instance with the version of your choice. Then edit that instance and replace the minecraft jar with LunarLaunchWrapper.jar and replace the content of the file by this :
"assetIndex": {
"id": "1.8",
"sha1": "f6ad102bcaa53b1a58358f16e376d548d44933ec",
"size": 78494,
"totalSize": 114885064,
"url": ""
"formatVersion": 1,
"libraries": [],
"mainClass": "wtf.zani.launchwrapper.LunarLaunchWrapperKt",
"mainJar": {
"downloads": {
"artifact": {
"sha1": "3870888a6c3d349d3771a3e9d16c9bf5e076b908",
"size": 8461484,
"url": ""
"name": "com.mojang:minecraft:1.8.9:client"
"minecraftArguments": "--username ${auth_player_name} --version ${version_name} -module lunar --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${assets_root} --assetIndex ${assets_index_name} --uuid ${auth_uuid} --accessToken ${auth_access_token} --userProperties ${user_properties} --userType ${user_type}",
"name": "Minecraft",
"releaseTime": "2015-12-03T09:24:39+00:00",
"type": "release",
"uid": "net.minecraft",
"version": "1.8.9"
Adapt the above for your version.
If you want to use weave you will have to use a custom version of Weave. You can use the one in the releases :)
Enjoy :)