Golang steganography software to hide data in Twitter using retweets.
~$ go get github.com/Sirupsen/logrus
~$ go get github.com/dghubble/go-twitter/twitter
~$ go get github.com/dghubble/oauth1
~$ go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
~$ go build main.go
To send hidden message
./main send -message "Hello world!" -hashtags "music,food,travel"
Password: <you must type here your password to hide the message>
Logged as: SenderTwitterUser
Tweet 001 with ID 1381619419126845442 containing the target "program #music" successfully retweeted!
Tweet 002 with ID 1382102318339006467 containing the target "waves #music" successfully retweeted!
Tweet 003 with ID 1381676033737285635 containing the target "nationally" successfully retweeted!
Tweet 004 with ID 1380543128747139075 containing the target "psychology #food" successfully retweeted!
Tweet 005 with ID 1381928667958423554 containing the target "rick #music" successfully retweeted!
Tweet 006 with ID 1382229146974220290 containing the target "exclude" successfully retweeted!
~$ go run main.go send -message "Hello world" -hashtags "music,food,travel"
~$ ./main recv -sender "SenderTwitterUser" -retweets "6"
~$ go run main.go recv -sender "SenderTwitterUser" -retweets "6"
Password: <you must type here the same password used to hide the message>
Logged as: YourTwitterUser
Secret message: "hello world!"
- PhD Daniel Lerch, for the original idea in Python: https://github.com/daniellerch/stego-retweet
- PhD Alfonso Muñoz, for his patience and dedication to the dissemination of Cryptography and Steganography.