- Developer / Productivity Tools
Color Code Converter (Hex to RGB): Convert Hex color codes to RGB.
Colors from Image: Extract color palettes from images.
Color Picker from Image: Pick colors directly from images.
Color Palettes: Explore and create beautiful color palettes.
Nginx Beautifier: Beautify Nginx configuration files.
All-in-One JavaScript/JSON/React/HTML/CSS/SCSS/SASS Beautifier: Format various web development languages.
JSON Formatter: Format and beautify JSON data.
Subnet Assessment Challenge: Test your subnetting skills.
Subnet Calculator: Calculate subnet details.
Password Generator: Generate secure passwords.
Convert Password to MySQL Hash: Convert passwords to MySQL hash.
Convert Password to MariaDB Hash: Convert passwords to MariaDB hash.
Convert Password to PostgreSQL MD5: Convert passwords to PostgreSQL MD5 hash.
BCrypt Password Creator: Generate BCrypt hashed passwords.
BCrypt Password Verifier: Verify BCrypt hashed passwords.
Scrypt Password Creator: Generate Scrypt hashed passwords.
RSA Key Generator: Generate RSA key pairs.
Mock JSON Random Generator: Generate random JSON data.
Random JSON Generator: Generate random JSON objects.
Lorem Ipsum Generator: Generate placeholder text.
Random XML Generator: Generate random XML data.
Random YAML Generator: Generate random YAML data.
Random CSV Generator: Generate random CSV data.
Random TSV Generator: Generate random TSV data.
Random Number Generator: Generate random numbers.
Random Decimal Number Generator: Generate random decimal numbers.
Random IPs Generator: Generate random IP addresses.
Random MAC Generator: Generate random MAC addresses.
Random String Generator: Generate random strings.
Random Binary Generator: Generate random binary data.
Random Octal Generator: Generate random octal numbers.
Random Hex Generator: Generate random hexadecimal numbers.
Random UUID and GUID Generator: Generate random UUID and GUID.
Random Emoji Generator: Generate random Emoji.
Epoch/Unix Time Converter: Convert Epoch/Unix time.
World Time Zone: Explore the time zones of countries around the world.
World Current Date & Time: Explore the current date, time and time zones of countries around the world.
Random Clock Time Generator: Generate random clock times.
Random Date Generator: Generate random dates.
Convert Unix to UTC Time: Convert Unix time to UTC.
Convert UTC to Unix Time: Convert UTC time to Unix.
Convert Seconds to HMS: Convert seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds.
Convert HMS to Seconds: Convert hours, minutes, and seconds to seconds.
Convert Seconds to Human Time: Convert seconds to a human-readable time format.
HTML Formatter: Format and beautify HTML code.
JS Formatter: Format and beautify JavaScript code.
CSS Formatter: Format and beautify CSS code.
SQL Formatter: Format and beautify SQL code.
Text Base64 Encode/Decode: Encode or decode text to/from Base64.
Base64 to CSV Converter<: Convert Base64 data to CSV.
Add Prefix/Suffix to Lines: Add prefixes or suffixes to each line of text.
Sort Ascending/Descending: Sort lines of text in ascending or descending order.
Compare List: Compare two lists and find common or unique elements.
Numbering Lines: Add line numbers to each line of text.
Find or Remove Duplicates: Find and remove duplicate lines in text.
Remove Lines from Text: Remove specific lines from text.
Remove Duplicate Spaces: Remove duplicate spaces from text.
Remove Numbers or Digits: Remove numbers or digits from text.
Numbers Only: Extract only the numbers from text.
Slugify Text: Create slugs from text.
Regex Text Manipulation Tool: Perform regex-based text manipulations.
Reverse List: Reverse the order of lines in text.
Base64 Image Converter: Convert images to/from Base64.
URL Parser: Parse and extract components from URLs.
Encode/Decode URL: Encode or decode URLs.
Encode/Decode HTML: Encode or decode HTML entities.
Escape/Unescape String: Escape or unescape special characters in a string.
Unicode Converter: Convert between Unicode characters and code points.
XML to JSON: Convert XML data to JSON.
JSON to XML: Convert JSON data to XML.
Convert CSV to JSON: Convert CSV data to JSON.
Convert CSV to Array: Convert CSV data to JavaScript arrays.
CSV Column Selector: Select and filter columns from CSV data.
CSV to SQL Converter: Convert CSV data to SQL queries.
CSV to HTML Table: Generate an HTML table from CSV data.
Invert JSON Key Values: Invert the keys and values of a JSON object.
Convert JSON to CSV: Convert JSON data to CSV.
JPG to PNG Converter: Convert JPG images to PNG.
PNG to JPG Converter: Convert PNG images to JPG.
GIF to JPG Converter: Convert GIF images to JPG.
GIF to PNG Converter: Convert GIF images to PNG.
BMP to JPG Converter: Convert BMP images to JPG.
SVG to PNG Converter: Convert SVG images to PNG.
BMP to PNG Converter: Convert BMP images to PNG.
Base64 Image Converter: Convert images to/from Base64.
Hex to Text/ASCII/Decimal Converter: Convert Hex to Text, ASCII, or Decimal.
Hex to Binary/Text/Decimal Converter: Convert Hex to Binary, Text, or Decimal.
Hex to Binary/Text/ASCII Converter: Convert Hex to Binary, Text, or ASCII.
Binary to Text/ASCII/Hex Converter: Convert Binary to Text, ASCII, or Hex.
Binary to Hex/Text/Decimal Converter: Convert Binary to Hex, Text, or Decimal.
Binary to Hex/Text/ASCII Converter: Convert Binary to Hex, Text, or ASCII.
Binary to ASCII/Text Converter: Convert Binary to ASCII or Text.
Text to Hex/ASCII/Decimal Converter: Convert Text to Hex, ASCII, or Decimal.
Text to Binary/Hex/Decimal Converter: Convert Text to Binary, Hex, or Decimal.
Text to Binary/Hex/ASCII Converter: Convert Text to Binary, Hex, or ASCII.
ASCII to Binary/Text Converter: Convert ASCII to Binary or Text.
ASCII to Hex/Text Converter: Convert ASCII to Hex or Text.
Decimal to Binary/Hex Converter: Convert Decimal to Binary or Hex.
Decimal to Hex/Text Converter: Convert Decimal to Hex or Text.
Create Permutations: Generate permutations of a set of items.
Create Fibonacci Sequence: Generate Fibonacci sequences.
Angle: Convert angles between different units.
Area: Convert areas between different units.
Bits: Convert bits between different units.
Density: Convert density between different units.
Electric Current: Convert electric current between different units.
Energy: Convert energy between different units.
Force: Convert force between different units.
Fuel Consumption: Convert fuel consumption between different units.
Length: Convert length between different units.
Mass: Convert mass between different units.
Power: Convert power between different units.
Pressure: Convert pressure between different units.
Speed: Convert speed between different units.
Temperature: Convert temperature between different units.
Time: Convert time between different units.
Volume: Convert volume between different units.
- Engineering Unit Converter (Part 2): More engineering unit conversion options.
Text Formatter: Format and manipulate text.
Text to Uppercase: Convert text to uppercase.
Text to Lowercase: Convert text to lowercase.
Text to Camelcase: Convert text to camelCase.
Text to Hyphencase: Convert text to hyphen-case.
Text to Underscore Case: Convert text to underscore_case.
Text to Titlecase: Convert text to title case.
Text Invertcase: Invert the case of each character in text.
Text or Sentence Capitalize: Capitalize the first letter of each sentence.
Text Formatter: Format and manipulate text.
Text Difference: Compare and find the difference between two texts.
Extract URL and Link: Extract URLs and links from text.
Extract Text Info: Extract information from text.
Epoch Unix Time: Convert between Epoch/Unix time and human-readable time.
Random Clock Time Generator: Generate random clock times.
Random Date Generator: Generate random dates.
Convert Unix to UTC Time: Convert Unix time to UTC time.
Convert UTC to Unix Time: Convert UTC time to Unix time.
Convert Seconds to HMS: Convert seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds.
Convert HMS to Seconds: Convert hours, minutes, and seconds to seconds.
Convert Seconds to Human Time: Convert seconds to a human-readable time format.
- ToDo List: Manage your tasks with an online ToDo list.
Find My IP: Find your public IP address.
Voice to Text: Record voice to text notes.
Text to Voice: Text to Voice (TTS).
Voice Recorder: Record audio using the online voice recorder.
Video Recorder: Record videos using the online video recorder.
Screen Recorder: Capture your screen with the online screen recorder.
Barcode Generator: Generate barcodes with different formats.
Startup Name Generator: Get creative startup name ideas.
QR Code Reader: Scan and decode QR codes.
QR Code Generator: Generate QR codes with custom content.
Pomodoro Clock: Use a Pomodoro timer for better productivity.
Flip Coin: Simulate a coin flip online.