Since hastebin now seems to require a developer token, I needed a new tool to paste content from my projects that my users can use without registration. After a lot of researching for alternatives that were light, that didn't use formdata and instead used the HTTP body for paste contents, I finally decided to make my own.
Written in typescript and using Fastify & Handlebars, PasteLite is a fast, simple, and lightweight tool to just allow without registration users to paste content and retrieve it simply.
Pastes are stored using sqlite into a pastes.db
POST /paste
- Create a new paste- Query Parameters:
- The time in seconds from creation for to expire, 0 if allowed to never expiretextOnly
- Returns all information in plain text, per line to make it easier to parse without a JSON library
- Returns:
- JSON (default):
{ name, url, expires, type, deleteToken }
- Text (?textOnly):
- JSON (default):
- Query Parameters:
GET /:name
- Returns HTML of a paste with syntax highlighting- Query Parameters:
- Can be set to 'light' to use a light theme
- Query Parameters:
GET /:name/raw
- Returns text/plain of the paste's contentGET /:name/json
- Returns JSON of the paste- Returns:
{ name, content, expires, type }
GET /:name/json
- Returns JSON of the paste
- Returns:
DELETE /:name/:deleteToken
- Deletes a paste with the given delete token (given on creation)- Returns:
- 204 on success
- 401 on incorrect/missing token
- 404 on unknown paste
- Returns:
All the settings you want to change can be configured through environmental variables:
WEB_PORT = The port the server to run on
PASTE_DEFAULT_EXPIRES - The default amount of seconds a paste will expire, default is 1 day
PASTE_MAX_EXPIRES - If set, will put maximum amount of seconds that a paste can expire
PASTE_ALLOWED_MIMES - The mime types that are allowed, by default is any text/*
PASTE_ID_ALPHABET - The characters to use for generating ids, default is '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
PASTE_ID_LENGTH - The number of characters to generate for an id, default is 12
PASTE_URL_PREFIX - If set, creating a paste will return 'url' with this being prefixed with paste name