Welcome to Best Swaps Rates. Within this application, you will have the opportunity to perform WETH-USDT swaps across various decentralized exchanges (DEXs) while selecting the most favorable exchange rate available. Currently deployed in Arbitrum.
- Deployed website: Best-Rates-Swaps.
- Best Rates Swaps UI repository: Repository.
- Smart Contract address: Treasury.sol.
The contract has been deployed to the Arbitrum network an its main functionalities are:
- Any user has the option to deposit WETH tokens, and these tokens are pooled together within the contract without individual tracking for each user.
- Any user can access the platform and initiate a swap for the entire WETH balance held within the contract. The swap is facilitated through the exchange that provides the most favorable rate, as indicated by our frontend interface.
- Any user can withdraw the USDT amount of tokens held in the Treasury.
- There is a button available for users to retrieve the WETH and USDT token balances of the Treasury contract at any given moment.
The only requirement for executing some Scripts is having a PRIVATE_KEY=
variable inside your .env