The project is the GUI contribution to the Department of Defense, Non-Satelite Communication Capstone Project. The goal of this project was to explore solutions to Non-Satelite Communication and this was achieved using a combination of infrared and lidar technology. The attached code will only work the proper Arduino setup.
- Nathaniel Brooks
- Cedric Philias
- Andrew Ealer
- Travis Hoffman
- Nick Yow
There are two needed IDEs, 1. ArduinoIDE and 2. Processing IDE. From there, libraries will need to be install in each. For Processing IDE, install the ControlP5 and Serial Libraries. For Arduino IDE, install the SoftwareSerial library.
Open one instance of each IDE for each file, and then open the file in its respective IDE. (.ino in ArduinoIDE and .pde in Processing IDE) These instances can be done on the same or different devices, but each device will need to be plugged into a arduino with the proper configuration. From there setup the ports accordingly and send the code to the arduino.