The non-profit foundation Alphabet Soup wants to create an algorithm to predict whether or not applicants for funding will be successful. I use my knowledge of machine learning and neural networks, I use the features in the provided dataset to create a binary classifier that is capable of predicting whether applicants will be successful if funded by Alphabet Soup.
From Alphabet Soup’s business team, I have received a CSV containing more than 34,000 organizations that have received funding from Alphabet Soup over the years. Within this dataset are a number of columns that capture metadata about each organization, such as the following:
- EIN and NAME—Identification columns
- APPLICATION_TYPE—Alphabet Soup application type
- AFFILIATION—Affiliated sector of industry
- CLASSIFICATION—Government organization classification
- USE_CASE—Use case for funding
- ORGANIZATION—Organization type
- STATUS—Active status
- INCOME_AMT—Income classification
- SPECIAL_CONSIDERATIONS—Special consideration for application
- ASK_AMT—Funding amount requested
- IS_SUCCESSFUL—Was the money used effectively
I used Pandas and the Scikit-Learn’s StandardScaler()
, and I preprocess the dataset in order to compile, train, and evaluated the neural network model later in Step 2
Preprocessing steps taken.
- Read in the charity_data.csv to a Pandas DataFrame, and be sure to identify the following in your dataset:
- What variable(s) are considered the target(s) for your model?
- What variable(s) are considered the feature(s) for your model?
- Drop the
columns. - Determine the number of unique values for each column.
- For those columns that have more than 10 unique values, determine the number of data points for each unique value.
- Use the number of data points for each unique value to pick a cutoff point to bin "rare" categorical variables together in a new value,
, and then check if the binning was successful. - Use
to encode categorical variables
Using TensorFlow, I designed a neural network, or deep learning model, to create a binary classification model that can predict if an Alphabet Soup–funded organization will be successful based on the features in the dataset. I compiled, trained, and evaluated my binary classification model to calculate the model’s loss and accuracy.
- Continue using the jupter notebook where you’ve already performed the preprocessing steps from Step 1.
- Create a neural network model by assigning the number of input features and nodes for each layer using Tensorflow Keras.
- Create the first hidden layer and choose an appropriate activation function.
- If necessary, add a second hidden layer with an appropriate activation function.
- Create an output layer with an appropriate activation function.
- Check the structure of the model.
- Compile and train the model.
- Create a callback that saves the model's weights every 5 epochs.
- Evaluate the model using the test data to determine the loss and accuracy.
- Save and export your results to an HDF5 file, and name it
Using TensorFlow, optimize your model in order to achieve a target predictive accuracy higher than 75%. If I can't achieve an accuracy higher than 75%, I'll need to make at least three attempts to do so.
Optimize your model in order to achieve a target predictive accuracy higher than 75% by using any or all of the following:
- Adjusting the input data to ensure that there are no variables or outliers that are causing confusion in the model, such as:
- Dropped more or fewer columns.
- Created more bins for rare occurrences in columns.
- Increased or decreasing the number of values for each bin.
- Added more neurons to a hidden layer.
- Added more hidden layers.
- Used different activation functions for the hidden layers.
- Added or reducing the number of epochs to the training regimen.
- Created a new Jupyter Notebook file and name it
. - Imported dependencies, and read in the
to a Pandas DataFrame. - Preprocess the dataset like Step 1, taking into account any modifications to optimize the model.
- Design a neural network model, taking into account any modifications that will optimize the model to achieve higher than 75% accuracy.
- Saved and exported your results to an HDF5 file, and name it
Write a report on the performance of the deep learning model I created for AlphabetSoup.
The report contains the following:
Overview of the analysis: Explain the purpose of this analysis.
Results: Using bulleted lists and images to support my answers, address the following questions.
- Data Preprocessing
- What variable(s) are considered the target(s) for my model?
- What variable(s) are considered to be the features for my model?
- What variable(s) are neither targets nor features, and should be removed from the input data?
- Compiling, Training, and Evaluating the Model
- How many neurons, layers, and activation functions I selected for your neural network model, and why?
- Were I able to achieve the target model performance?
- What steps did I take to try and increase model performance?
- Summary: Summarize the overall results of the deep learning model. Include a recommendation for how a different model could solve this classification problem, and explain my recommendations.