This project was made with:
- create-react-app
- react-router
- redux, react-redux, redux-thunk (store). Redux store configure to persist on localStorage
- notification system with react-toastify library
- JSON-server with Nodejs
- axios to handle requests
Note: Because this project was made before node version 17, it has a problem when you have the latest version of node
Reason For The Error In Node.js v17, the Node.js developers closed a security hole in the SSL provider. This fix was a breaking change that corresponded with similar breaking changes in the SSL packages in NPM. When you attempt to use SSL in Node.js v17 or later without also upgrading those SSL packages in your package.json, then you will see this error. Source: StackOverflow
- You downgrade your version of Node to version 16.13.0
This error shouldn't affect yarn users
1.First clone the repository on your local:
- SSH:
2.Once you have the repository on your local machine, install the dependencies. On the proyect folder, run this command yarn install
or npm install
- Finally, after the installation. Run the server and the proyect in the this order: (Server is set to run on port:8000 and proyect on port:3000)
- Run the server: On terminal
yarn start-server
ornpm run start-server
- Then, open new terminal tab, and start the proyect
yarn start
ornpm start
Firefox backdrop-filter css property support
If you will run the proyect on firefox, there is a little configuration that needs to be changed:
Open a tab on firefox and type on the address bar: about:config
Then search the following preferences and set them to true:
- layout.css.backdrop-filter.enabled
- gfx.webrender.all