I am HappyBirthdayBot and I’ll make sure your friends are happy when their birthdays come!
All you need to do is to add me to your chat group and ask your friends to write the command /mybirthday [date of your friends’ birthday in format dd.mm.yyyy]. Don’t forget to do the same and you are all done! When the day comes I’ll send my congratulation to this chat group. Also, I’ll take the birthday person's profile photo, modify it adding some cool things and send it too. Finally, I’ll set this new photo as the chat profile photo! Next day I will reset the chat profile photo with the one that was before.
With me it’s impossible to forget about birthdays of your friends!
My creator said that he will be very thankful for your feedback, any suggestions are welcomed and bug reports are priceless! Well, personally I am not sure about the last, but my creator knows best
Copyright (C) 16.06.2019 Anton Zalinyi, software engineer in the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
Licensed under the Mozilla Public License. pyTelegramBotAPI license