The provided repository contains an incomplete automated test for email sending functionality via Gmail.
The test is supposed to:
- Login to Gmail
- Compose an email with unique subject, body, and attachment
- Send the email to the same account which was used to login (from and to addresses would be the same)
- Wait for the email to arrive in the Inbox
- Open the received email
- Verify the subject, body and attachment name of the received email
- Update the file to replace dummy credentials before you run the tests. You may remove your login details before submitting this assessment.
- Don't include downloaded packages or auto-generated folders in your submission.
- Complete the automated test to include the missing functionality, refer to the section titled 'Project Assessment' for requirements.
- There are a few bugs in the existing code that we'd like you to fix, the test case seems to be failing right now. Even though the project might not be in a great structure, please do not spend your valuable time on structure modifications unless explicitly asked to, just focus on fixing bugs.
- Refactor the code in existing 'Should_Send_Email' test case to use Page Object Model.
PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL THE TASKS LISTED ABOVE ARE MANDATORY. We'll be evaluating your submission on the following parameters:
- Code quality and best practices
- Implementation of new test cases
- Bug fixes
- ChromeDriver, JDK 8+
- Any IDE
- Modify to point to ChromeDriver's path on your system
- On any terminal, move to the project's root folder and execute the following command:
- ./gradlew clean test
This is how we are going to access and evaluate your submission, so make sure you go through the following steps before submitting your answer.
- Make sure that the tests are passing, there are no errors, and any new dependencies are specified in build.gradle.
- Zip your project folder and name it ''.
- Store your file in a shared location where Crossover team can access and download it for evaluation. Do not forget to paste the shared link in the answer field of this question.