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Translation relation and decision procedure for the Float-Delay (#6482)
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* WIP - Most of the nFD->FD proof is done but I am now wondering if the application rules need the force in them...

* Some progress on the FD->pureFD proof... Not completely sure it is going in a good direction...

* Made the parameters to istranslation implicit, since they are encoded in the relation anyway



* WIP - with crazy variable binding issues

* Add 'forall DecEq' to 'Relation'

* Roman's additions.

* Workign Float-Delay translation relation and decision procedure.

* Missed a definition

* Now uses Purity, althought that is 'stub code' at the moment.

* Now with added Purity...

* Remove 'Terminating' from 'translation?'


Co-authored-by: effectfully <>
  • Loading branch information
ramsay-t and effectfully authored Sep 26, 2024
1 parent 84bcd15 commit 9802721
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Showing 6 changed files with 619 additions and 179 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions plutus-metatheory/src/VerifiedCompilation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: VerifiedCompilation.Purity
layout: page

# Definitions of Purity for Terms
module VerifiedCompilation.Purity where
## Imports

open import Untyped using (_⊢; case; builtin; _·_; force; `; ƛ; delay; con; constr; error)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
## Untyped Purity
data UPure (X : Set) : (X ⊢) → Set where
FIXME : (t : X ⊢) → UPure X t
isUPure? : {X : Set} → (t : X ⊢) → Dec (UPure X t)
isUPure? t = yes (FIXME t)
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions plutus-metatheory/src/VerifiedCompilation/
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Expand Up @@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; [])
## Translation Relation

This compiler stage only applies to the very specific case where an `IfThenElse` builtin exists in a `case` expression.
It moves the `IfThenElse` outside and creates two `case` expressions with each of the possible lists of cases.
It moves the `IfThenElse` outside and creates two `case` expressions with each of the possible lists of cases.

This will just be an instance of the `Translation` relation once we define the "before" and "after" patterns.

data CoC : Relation where
isCoC : {X : Set} → (b : X ⊢) (tn fn : ℕ) (tt tt' ft ft' alts alts' : List (X ⊢)) →
isCoC : {X : Set} {{_ : DecEq X}} → (b : X ⊢) (tn fn : ℕ) (tt tt' ft ft' alts alts' : List (X ⊢)) →
Pointwise (Translation CoC) alts alts' →
Pointwise (Translation CoC) tt tt' →
Pointwise (Translation CoC) ft ft' →
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ isCoCCase? t | no ¬CoCCase = no λ { (isCoCCase b tn fn alts tt ft) → ¬CoCC
(isconstr tn (allterms alts)))
(isconstr fn (allterms tt)))
(allterms ft)) }
data CoCForce {X : Set} : (X ⊢) → Set where
isCoCForce : (b : (X ⊢)) (tn fn : ℕ) (tt' ft' alts' : List (X ⊢)) → CoCForce (force ((((force (builtin ifThenElse)) · b) · (delay (case (constr tn tt') alts'))) · (delay (case (constr fn ft') alts'))))
isCoCForce? : {X : Set} {{ _ : DecEq X }} → Unary.Decidable (CoCForce {X})
Expand All @@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ isUntypedCaseOfCase? : {X : Set} {{_ : DecEq X}} → Binary.Decidable (Translati
isCoC? : {X : Set} {{_ : DecEq X}} → Binary.Decidable (CoC {X})
isCoC? ast ast' with (isCoCCase? ast) ×-dec (isCoCForce? ast')
... | no ¬cf = no λ { (isCoC b tn fn tt tt' ft ft' alts alts' x x₁ x₂) → ¬cf
(isCoCCase b tn fn tt ft alts , isCoCForce b tn fn tt' ft' alts') }
(isCoCCase b tn fn tt ft alts , isCoCForce b tn fn tt' ft' alts') }
... | yes (isCoCCase b tn fn tt ft alts , isCoCForce b₁ tn₁ fn₁ tt' ft' alts') with (b ≟ b₁) ×-dec (tn ≟ tn₁) ×-dec (fn ≟ fn₁) ×-dec (decPointwise isUntypedCaseOfCase? tt tt') ×-dec (decPointwise isUntypedCaseOfCase? ft ft') ×-dec (decPointwise isUntypedCaseOfCase? alts alts')
... | yes (refl , refl , refl , ttpw , ftpw , altpw) = yes (isCoC b tn fn tt tt' ft ft' alts alts' altpw ttpw ftpw)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (isCoC .b .tn .fn .tt .tt' .ft .ft' .alts .alts' x x₁ x₂) → ¬p (refl , refl , refl , x₁ , x₂ , x) }
isUntypedCaseOfCase? {X} = translation? {X} isCoC?
isUntypedCaseOfCase? {X} = translation? {X} isCoC?

## Semantic Equivalence
Expand All @@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ The `stepper` function uses the CEK machine to evaluate a term. Here we call it
large gas budget and begin in an empty context (which assumes the term is closed).

-- TODO: Several approaches are possible.
-- TODO: Several approaches are possible.
--semantic_equivalence : ∀ {X set} {ast ast' : ⊥ ⊢}
-- → ⊥ ⊢̂ ast ⊳̂ ast'
-- <Some stuff about whether one runs out of gas -- as long as neither runs out of gas, _then_ they are equivilent>
-- <Some stuff about whether one runs out of gas -- as long as neither runs out of gas, _then_ they are equivilent>
-- → (stepper maxsteps (Stack.ϵ ; [] ▻ ast)) ≡ (stepper maxsteps (Stack.ε ; [] ▻ ast'))
-- ∀ {s : ℕ} → stepper s ast ≡ <valid terminate state> ⇔ ∃ { s' : ℕ } [ stepper s' ast' ≡ <same valid terminate state> ]
-- ∀ {s : ℕ} → stepper s ast ≡ <valid terminate state> ⇔ ∃ { s' : ℕ } [ stepper s' ast' ≡ <same valid terminate state> ]
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions plutus-metatheory/src/VerifiedCompilation/
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@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
title: VerifiedCompilation.UFloatDelay
layout: page

# Float-Delay Translation Phase
module VerifiedCompilation.UFloatDelay where
## Imports

open import VerifiedCompilation.Equality using (DecEq; _≟_;decPointwise)
open import VerifiedCompilation.UntypedViews using (Pred; isCase?; isApp?; isLambda?; isForce?; isBuiltin?; isConstr?; isDelay?; isTerm?; isVar?; allTerms?; iscase; isapp; islambda; isforce; isbuiltin; isconstr; isterm; allterms; isdelay; isvar)
open import VerifiedCompilation.UntypedTranslation using (Translation; translation?; Relation; convert; reflexive)
open import Relation.Nullary.Product using (_×-dec_)
open import Untyped using (_⊢; case; builtin; _·_; force; `; ƛ; delay; con; constr; error)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; _≢_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥)
open import Function using (case_of_)
open import Agda.Builtin.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.List using (map; all)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
import Relation.Binary as Binary using (Decidable)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Data.List using (List)
open import Builtin using (Builtin)
open import RawU using (TmCon)
open import VerifiedCompilation.Purity using (UPure; isUPure?)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; all?)
X : Set
x x' y y' : X ⊢
## Translation Relation

This translation "floats" delays in applied terms into the abstraction, without inlining the whole term.
This is separate from inlining because the added `delay` may make it seem like a substantial increase in code
size, and so dissuade the inliner from executing. However, it may be that the laziness inside the resulting term
is more computationally efficient.

This translation will only preserve semantics if the instances of the bound variable are under a `force` and if the applied term is "Pure".

This requires a function to check all the bound variables are under `force`. The `AllForced` type
is defined in terms of the de Brujin index of the bound variable, since this will be incremented under
further lambdas.
data AllForced (X : Set){{ _ : DecEq X}} : X → (X ⊢) → Set where
var : (v : X) → {v' : X} → v' ≢ v → AllForced X v (` v')
forced : (v : X) → AllForced X v (force (` v))
force : (v : X) → AllForced X v x' → AllForced X v (force x')
delay : (v : X) → AllForced X v x' → AllForced X v (delay x')
ƛ : (v : X) → {t : (Maybe X) ⊢}
→ AllForced (Maybe X) (just v) t
→ AllForced X v (ƛ t)
app : (v : X)
→ AllForced X v x
→ AllForced X v y
→ AllForced X v (x · y)
error : {v : X} → AllForced X v error
builtin : {v : X} → {b : Builtin} → AllForced X v (builtin b)
con : {v : X} → {c : TmCon} → AllForced X v (con c)
case : (v : X) → {t : X ⊢} {ts : List (X ⊢)}
→ AllForced X v t
→ All (AllForced X v) ts
→ AllForced X v (case t ts)
constr : (v : X) → {i : ℕ} {xs : List (X ⊢)}
→ All (AllForced X v) xs
→ AllForced X v (constr i xs)
isAllForced? : {{ _ : DecEq X}} → (v : X) → (t : X ⊢) → Dec (AllForced X v t)
isAllForced? v t with isForce? isTerm? t
... | yes (isforce (isterm t)) with isVar? t
... | no ¬var with isAllForced? v t
... | yes allForced = yes (force v allForced)
... | no ¬allForced = no λ { (forced .v) → ¬var (isvar v) ; (force .v p) → ¬allForced p }
isAllForced? v t | yes (isforce (isterm _)) | yes (isvar v₁) with v₁ ≟ v
... | yes refl = yes (forced v)
... | no v₁≢v = yes (force v (var v v₁≢v))
isAllForced? v (` x) | no ¬force with x ≟ v
... | yes refl = no λ { (var .v x≢v) → x≢v refl}
... | no x≢v = yes (var v x≢v)
isAllForced? {X} v (ƛ t) | no ¬force with isAllForced? {Maybe X} (just v) t
... | yes p = yes (ƛ v p)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (ƛ .v p) → ¬p p}
isAllForced? v (t₁ · t₂) | no ¬force with (isAllForced? v t₁) ×-dec (isAllForced? v t₂)
... | yes (pt₁ , pt₂) = yes (app v pt₁ pt₂)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (app .v x₁ x₂) → ¬p (x₁ , x₂)}
isAllForced? v (force t) | no ¬force = no λ { (forced .v) → ¬force (isforce (isterm t)) ; (force .v x) → ¬force (isforce (isterm t)) }
isAllForced? v (delay t) | no ¬force with isAllForced? v t
... | yes p = yes (delay v p)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (delay .v pp) → ¬p pp}
isAllForced? v (con x) | no ¬force = yes con
isAllForced? v (constr i xs) | no ¬force with all? (isAllForced? v) xs
... | yes p = yes (constr v p)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (constr .v p) → ¬p p }
isAllForced? v (case t ts) | no ¬force with (isAllForced? v t) ×-dec (all? (isAllForced? v) ts)
... | yes (p₁ , p₂) = yes (case v p₁ p₂)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (case .v p₁ p₂) → ¬p ((p₁ , p₂)) }
isAllForced? v (builtin b) | no ¬force = yes builtin
isAllForced? v error | no ¬force = yes error
The `delay` needs to be added to all bound variables.
subs-delay : {X : Set}{{de : DecEq X}} → (v : Maybe X) → (Maybe X ⊢) → (Maybe X ⊢)
subs-delay v (` x) with v ≟ x
... | yes refl = (delay (` x))
... | no _ = (` x)
subs-delay v (ƛ t) = ƛ (subs-delay (just v) t) -- The de Brujin index has to be incremented
subs-delay v (t · t₁) = (subs-delay v t) · (subs-delay v t₁)
subs-delay v (force t) = force (subs-delay v t) -- This doesn't immediately apply Force-Delay
subs-delay v (delay t) = delay (subs-delay v t)
subs-delay v (con x) = con x
subs-delay v (constr i xs) = constr i (map (subs-delay v) xs)
subs-delay v (case t ts) = case (subs-delay v t) (map (subs-delay v) ts)
subs-delay v (builtin b) = builtin b
subs-delay v error = error
The translation relation is then fairly striaghtforward.

data FlD {X : Set} {{de : DecEq X}} : (X ⊢) → (X ⊢) → Set₁ where
floatdelay : {y y' : X ⊢} {x x' : (Maybe X) ⊢}
→ Translation FlD (subs-delay nothing x) x'
→ Translation FlD y y'
→ UPure X y'
→ FlD (ƛ x · (delay y)) (ƛ x' · y')
FloatDelay : {X : Set} {{_ : DecEq X}} → (ast : X ⊢) → (ast' : X ⊢) → Set₁
FloatDelay = Translation FlD
## Decision Procedure
isFloatDelay? : {X : Set} {{de : DecEq X}} → Binary.Decidable (FloatDelay {X})
isFlD? : {X : Set} {{de : DecEq X}} → Binary.Decidable (FlD {X})
isFlD? ast ast' with (isApp? (isLambda? isTerm?) (isDelay? isTerm?)) ast
... | no ¬match = no λ { (floatdelay x x₁ x₂) → ¬match ((isapp (islambda (isterm _)) (isdelay (isterm _)))) }
... | yes (isapp (islambda (isterm t₁)) (isdelay (isterm t₂))) with (isApp? (isLambda? isTerm?) isTerm?) ast'
... | no ¬match = no λ { (floatdelay x x₁ x₂) → ¬match ((isapp (islambda (isterm _)) (isterm _))) }
... | yes (isapp (islambda (isterm t₁')) (isterm t₂')) with (isFloatDelay? (subs-delay nothing t₁) t₁') ×-dec (isFloatDelay? t₂ t₂') ×-dec (isUPure? t₂')
... | no ¬p = no λ { (floatdelay x₁ x₂ x₃) → ¬p ((x₁ , x₂ , x₃))}
... | yes (p₁ , p₂ , pure) = yes (floatdelay p₁ p₂ pure)
isFloatDelay? = translation? isFlD?

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⚠️ Performance Alert ⚠️

Possible performance regression was detected for benchmark 'Plutus Benchmarks'.
Benchmark result of this commit is worse than the previous benchmark result exceeding threshold 1.05.

Benchmark suite Current: 9802721 Previous: 84bcd15 Ratio
validation-auction_1-1 259.6 μs 186 μs 1.40
validation-auction_1-2 915.9 μs 647 μs 1.42
validation-auction_1-3 902 μs 638.8 μs 1.41
validation-auction_1-4 335.1 μs 264.2 μs 1.27
validation-escrow-redeem_1-1 495.1 μs 381 μs 1.30
validation-future-pay-out-4 1154 μs 905.7 μs 1.27
validation-future-settle-early-1 355 μs 251.3 μs 1.41
validation-future-settle-early-2 771.8 μs 562.6 μs 1.37
validation-game-sm-success_2-1 556.1 μs 435.2 μs 1.28
validation-multisig-sm-1 564.5 μs 505.6 μs 1.12
validation-multisig-sm-3 560.5 μs 401.5 μs 1.40
validation-multisig-sm-4 561.4 μs 396.1 μs 1.42
validation-multisig-sm-5 791.3 μs 585 μs 1.35
validation-multisig-sm-7 537.5 μs 390.1 μs 1.38
validation-token-account-1 274.3 μs 194 μs 1.41
validation-token-account-2 484.6 μs 342.3 μs 1.42
validation-uniswap-1 593.1 μs 466.8 μs 1.27
validation-uniswap-2 317.6 μs 259.5 μs 1.22
validation-decode-currency-1 325.8 μs 231.2 μs 1.41
validation-decode-escrow-redeem_1-1 445.6 μs 313.4 μs 1.42
validation-decode-escrow-redeem_1-2 359.6 μs 312.9 μs 1.15
validation-decode-game-sm-success_2-1 738.4 μs 680.1 μs 1.09
validation-decode-game-sm-success_2-2 230.4 μs 162.3 μs 1.42
validation-decode-game-sm-success_2-3 726 μs 512.9 μs 1.42
validation-decode-game-sm-success_2-4 230 μs 162.3 μs 1.42
validation-decode-game-sm-success_2-5 725.4 μs 513.9 μs 1.41
validation-decode-game-sm-success_2-6 230.2 μs 213.5 μs 1.08
validation-decode-multisig-sm-1 805.5 μs 735.7 μs 1.09
validation-decode-multisig-sm-3 748.7 μs 575.9 μs 1.30
validation-decode-multisig-sm-4 808.6 μs 767.8 μs 1.05
validation-decode-multisig-sm-7 807.2 μs 687 μs 1.17
validation-decode-multisig-sm-8 806.7 μs 569.1 μs 1.42
validation-decode-ping-pong_2-1 679.7 μs 479.2 μs 1.42
validation-decode-prism-1 226.1 μs 202.3 μs 1.12
validation-decode-stablecoin_1-2 230.4 μs 188.6 μs 1.22
validation-decode-stablecoin_1-3 1187 μs 845.1 μs 1.40
validation-decode-stablecoin_1-4 230.7 μs 200.4 μs 1.15
nofib-clausify/formula1 4344 μs 4109 μs 1.06
nofib-queens4x4/bm 9710 μs 8739 μs 1.11
nofib-queens4x4/bjbt1 9238 μs 6458 μs 1.43
nofib-queens4x4/bjbt2 8667 μs 6096 μs 1.42
nofib-queens4x4/fc 19530 μs 13730 μs 1.42
nofib-queens5x5/bt 104000 μs 73210 μs 1.42
marlowe-semantics/0000020002010200020101020201000100010001020101020201010000020102 454.9 μs 322.8 μs 1.41
marlowe-semantics/0001000101000000010101000001000001010101010100000001000001010000 631.4 μs 447.7 μs 1.41
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marlowe-semantics/004025fd712d6c325ffa12c16d157064192992faf62e0b991d7310a2f91666b8 1159 μs 898.4 μs 1.29
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