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Generate active slot coefficient as part of test context
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abailly committed Oct 24, 2024
1 parent 20a6aeb commit 413824f
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Showing 2 changed files with 42 additions and 11 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -80,16 +80,15 @@ validate context MutatedHeader{header, mutation} =
(Right _, NoMutation) -> Valid NoMutation
(Right _, mut) -> Invalid mut $ "Expected error from mutation " <> show mut <> ", but validation succeeded"
GeneratorContext{praosSlotsPerKESPeriod, nonce, coldSignKey, vrfSignKey, ocertCounters} = context
GeneratorContext{praosSlotsPerKESPeriod, nonce, coldSignKey, vrfSignKey, ocertCounters, activeSlotCoeff} = context
-- TODO: get these from the context
maxKESEvo = 63
maxKESEvo = 62
coin = fromJust . toCompact . Coin
slotCoeff = mkActiveSlotCoeff $ fromJust $ boundRational @PositiveUnitInterval $ 1
ownsAllStake vrfKey = IndividualPoolStake 1 (coin 1) vrfKey
poolDistr = Map.fromList [(poolId, ownsAllStake hashVRFKey)]
poolId = hashKey $ VKey $ deriveVerKeyDSIGN coldSignKey
hashVRFKey = hashVerKeyVRF $ deriveVerKeyVRF vrfSignKey

headerView = validateView @ConwayBlock undefined (mkShelleyHeader header)
validateKES = doValidateKESSignature maxKESEvo praosSlotsPerKESPeriod poolDistr ocertCounters headerView
validateVRF = doValidateVRFSignature nonce poolDistr slotCoeff headerView
validateVRF = doValidateVRFSignature nonce poolDistr activeSlotCoeff headerView
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,16 +25,23 @@ import qualified Cardano.Crypto.VRF as VRF
import Cardano.Crypto.VRF.Praos (skToBatchCompat)
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.VRF.Praos as VRF
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (
Globals (activeSlotCoeff),
Nonce (..),
ProtVer (..),
import Cardano.Ledger.Binary (MaxVersion, decCBOR, decodeFull', decodeFullAnnotator, serialize')
import Cardano.Ledger.Keys (KeyHash, KeyRole (BlockIssuer), VKey (..), hashKey, signedDSIGN)
import Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.BHeader (
HashHeader (..),
PrevHash (..),
import Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.OCert (
KESPeriod (..),
Expand All @@ -53,7 +60,9 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Praos (PraosValidationErr (..))
Expand All @@ -62,7 +71,7 @@ import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Praos.Header (
HeaderBody (..),
pattern Header,
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Praos.VRF (mkInputVRF)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Praos.VRF (InputVRF, mkInputVRF, vrfLeaderValue)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.TPraos (StandardCrypto)
import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, arbitrary, choose, frequency, generate, getPositive, resize, shrinkList, sized, suchThat, vectorOf)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,6 +285,7 @@ data GeneratorContext = GeneratorContext
, vrfSignKey :: !(VRF.SignKeyVRF VRF.PraosVRF)
, nonce :: !Nonce
, ocertCounters :: !(Map.Map (KeyHash BlockIssuer StandardCrypto) Word64)
, activeSlotCoeff :: !ActiveSlotCoeff
deriving (Show)

Expand All @@ -299,6 +309,7 @@ instance Json.ToJSON GeneratorContext where
, "vrfVKeyHash" .= rawVrVKeyHash
, "nonce" .= rawNonce
, "ocertCounters" .= ocertCounters
, "activeSlotCoeff" .= activeSlotVal activeSlotCoeff
rawKesSignKey = decodeUtf8 . Base16.encode $ rawSerialiseSignKeyKES kesSignKey
Expand All @@ -322,6 +333,7 @@ instance Json.FromJSON GeneratorContext where
coldSignKey <- parseColdSignKey rawColdSignKey
vrfSignKey <- parseVrfSignKey rawVrfSignKey
nonce <- parseNonce cborNonce
activeSlotCoeff <- mkActiveSlotCoeff <$> obj .: "activeSlotCoeff"
pure GeneratorContext{..}
parseNonce rawNonce =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,8 +373,15 @@ genContext = do
nonce <- Nonce <$> genHash
let poolId = coerce $ hashKey $ VKey $ deriveVerKeyDSIGN coldSignKey
ocertCounters = Map.fromList [(poolId, ocertCounter)]
activeSlotCoeff <- genActiveSlotCoeff
pure $ GeneratorContext{..}

genActiveSlotCoeff :: Gen ActiveSlotCoeff
genActiveSlotCoeff = do
choose (1, 100) >>= \n -> pure $ activeSlotCoeff (n % 100)
activeSlotCoeff = mkActiveSlotCoeff . fromJust . boundRational @PositiveUnitInterval

{- | Generate a well-formed header
The header is signed with the KES key, and all the signing keys
Expand All @@ -379,20 +398,33 @@ genHeader context = do
genHeaderBody :: GeneratorContext -> Gen (HeaderBody StandardCrypto, KESPeriod)
genHeaderBody context = do
hbBlockNo <- BlockNo <$> arbitrary
hbSlotNo <- SlotNo . getPositive <$> arbitrary
(hbSlotNo, hbVrfRes, hbVrfVk) <- genLeadingSlot context
hbPrev <- BlockHash . HashHeader <$> genHash
let hbVk = VKey $ deriveVerKeyDSIGN coldSignKey
let rho' = mkInputVRF hbSlotNo nonce
hbVrfRes = VRF.evalCertified () rho' vrfSignKey
hbVrfVk = deriveVerKeyVRF vrfSignKey
hbBodySize <- choose (1000, 90000)
hbBodyHash <- genHash
(hbOCert, kesPeriod) <- genCert hbSlotNo context
let hbProtVer = protocolVersionZero
headerBody = HeaderBody{..}
pure $ (headerBody, kesPeriod)
GeneratorContext{coldSignKey, vrfSignKey, nonce} = context
GeneratorContext{coldSignKey} = context

genLeadingSlot :: GeneratorContext -> Gen (SlotNo, VRF.CertifiedVRF VRF.PraosVRF InputVRF, VRF.VerKeyVRF VRF.PraosVRF)
genLeadingSlot context = do
slotNo <- SlotNo . getPositive <$> arbitrary `suchThat` isLeader
let rho' = mkInputVRF slotNo nonce
hbVrfRes = VRF.evalCertified () rho' vrfSignKey
hbVrfVk = deriveVerKeyVRF vrfSignKey
pure (slotNo, hbVrfRes, hbVrfVk)
isLeader n =
let slotNo = SlotNo . getPositive $ n
rho' = mkInputVRF slotNo nonce
certified = VRF.evalCertified () rho' vrfSignKey
in checkLeaderNatValue (vrfLeaderValue (Proxy @StandardCrypto) certified) sigma activeSlotCoeff
sigma = 1
GeneratorContext{vrfSignKey, nonce, activeSlotCoeff} = context

protocolVersionZero :: ProtVer
protocolVersionZero = ProtVer versionZero 0
Expand Down

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