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Releases: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular


12 Dec 16:44
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7.1.0-beta.2 Pre-release


  • feat(grid-toolbar): making toolbar to render title SPAN only when needed #3397

Bug Fixes

  • feat(tree-grid) GroupBy and Summaries enhancements (#3411)
  • Deprecate clearSummaryCache and recalculateSummaries methods (#3380)
  • fix(summaries): clear summary cache on data set #3379
  • fix(summaries): deprecate clearSummaryCache and recalculateSummaries #3379
  • fix(summaries): call summaryService.clearSummaryCache #3379
  • fix(grid): mark grid for check inside NgZone when resizing #2792
  • fix(grid): address review comments #2792
  • fix(grid): mark grid for check inside NgZone when resizing #2792
  • fix(igxTransaction): should correctly call getAggregatedChanges(false), #2921
  • fix(igxTransaction): call onStateUpdate in endPending, #2921
  • fix(themes): igx-contrast-color returns wrong color for rgba values
  • fix(themes): fix stackblitz failing because of get-function
  • fix(dialog): dialog gets focus when is opened - 7.1.x
  • fix(focus): import focus module in focus spec #3199
  • fix(dialog): focus dialog on open #3199
  • fix(themes): igx-contrast-color returns wrong color for rgba


11 Dec 09:37
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7.1.0-beta.1 Pre-release


  • New repo igniteui-angular-i18n containing localization strings for JA and KO (#2517)
  • New Component: Banner (#2672)
  • Add @inheritdoc to public fields in classes which implementing interfaces

Bug Fixes

  • fix(grid): check for % when setting min width to header group (#3071)
  • fix(themes): pinned and selected cells would show content under (#3163)
  • refactor(themes): don't include contrast colors in the palettes
  • fix(filtering): chaging filters input type to instance (#3330)
  • Prevent the navdrawer from overlapping with the content when in minified state by applying padding (#1916)
  • Calculating updated grid height when rebinding columns (#3045)
  • Added validation if last column collides with grid's scroll (#3028)


07 Dec 16:48
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7.1.0-beta.0 Pre-release


  • IgxToolbar:
    • Added a new igxToolbarCustomContent directive which can be used to mark an ng-template which provides a custom content for the IgxGrid's toolbar (#2983)
  • IgxIconModule:
    • Breaking change igxIconService is now provided in root (providedIn: 'root') and IgxIconModule.forRoot() method is deprecated.
    • Breaking change glyphName property of the igxIconComponent is deprecated.
  • IgxMask:
    • placeholder input property is added to allow developers to specify the placeholder attribute of the host input element that the igxMask is applied on;
    • displayValuePipe input property is provided that allows developers to additionally transform the value on blur;
    • focusedValuePipe input property is provided that allows developers to additionally transform the value on focus;
  • IgxTreeGrid:
    • Batch editing - an injectable transaction provider accumulates pending changes, which are not directly applied to the grid's data source. Those can later be inspected, manipulated and submitted at once. Changes are collected for individual cells or rows, depending on editing mode, and accumulated per data row/record.
    • You can now export the tree grid both to CSV and Excel. The hierarchy and the records' expanded states would be reflected in the exported Excel worksheet.
    • Summaries - (#3076)


07 Dec 17:09
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Bug fixing

Fix(igx-grid): revert row editing styles #2672
Revert "fix(grid): set min width to header groups programmatically" status: verified version: 7.0.x


07 Dec 16:15
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7.0.4-beta.0 Pre-release

Bug fixes

Revert "fix(grid): set min width to header groups programmatically" #3357


07 Dec 13:24
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Bug fixes

  • ng add igniteui-angular adds igniteui-cli package to both dependencies and devDependencies (#3254)
  • Group column header is not styled correctly when moving that column (#3072)
  • igx-grid: Filter row remains after disabling filtering feature (#3255)
  • [igxGrid] Keyboard navigation between cells and filtering row with MCH (#3179)
  • Argument $color of red($color) must be a color (#3190)
  • Shell strings localization (#3237)
  • Tabbing out of the combo search input not possible (#3200)
  • Localization (i18n) not available for inputs/buttons on the grid filtering dialog (#2517)
  • When in the tree grid are pinned columns and scroll horizontal the cells text is over the pinned text #3163
  • Request for update of shell strings in Japanese (#3163)
  • Refactor(themes): remove get-function calls (#3327)
  • Fix(grid): recalculate grid body size when changing allowFiltering dynamically (#3321)
  • Fix - Combo - Hide Search input when !filterable && !allowCustomValues - 7.0.x (#3314)
  • Fixing column chooser column updating - 7.0.x (#3235)
  • Disable combo checkbox animations on scroll (#3303)
  • Added validation if last column collides with grid's scroll. (#3028) (#3100)
  • Use value instead of ngModel to update editValue for checkbox and calendar in igxCell (#3225)
  • Add @inheritdoc, create ScrollStrategy abstract class and fix method signatures 7.0.x (#3222)
  • When scroll with the mouse wheel the value in datePicker editor for edited cell is empty (#2958)
  • igxToolbar should have the option to add custom template (#2983)
  • fix(grid): mark grid for check inside NgZone when resizing (#2792) (#3277)
  • IgxGridHeaderGroupComponent should have preset min width (#3071)
  • Tree grid selection (#3334)


06 Dec 15:23
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7.0.3-beta.1 Pre-release

Bug fixes

  • When in the tree grid are pinned columns and scroll horizontal the cells text is over the pinned text #3163
  • Request for update of shell strings in Japanese #3260
  • Refactor(themes): remove get-function calls #3327
  • Fix(grid): recalculate grid body size when changing allowFiltering dynamically #3321
  • Fix - Combo - Hide Search input when !filterable && !allowCustomValues - 7.0.x #3314
  • Fixing column chooser column updating - 7.0.x #3235
  • Disable combo checkbox animations on scroll #3303


05 Dec 13:55
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7.0.3-beta.0 Pre-release

Bug fixes

  • ng add igniteui-angular adds igniteui-cli package to both dependencies and devDependencies. #3254
  • Group column header is not styled correctly when moving that column #3072
  • igx-grid: Filter row remains after disabling filtering feature. #3255
  • [igxGrid] Keyboard navigation between cells and filtering row with MCH #3179
  • Argument $color of red($color) must be a color #3190
  • Shell strings localization #3237
  • Tabbing out of the combo search input not possible #3200
  • Localization (i18n) not available for inputs/buttons on the grid filtering dialog #2517


30 Nov 17:04
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  • ng add igniteui-angular support 🎉
    • You can now add Ignite UI for Angular to existing Angular CLI projects - simply run ng add igniteui-angular in your project.
      This will install the package and all needed dependencies, add Ignite UI CLI so you can even quickly add components.
  • New component IgxBannerComponent:
    • Allows the developer to easily display a highly templateable message that requires minimal user interaction (1-2 actions) to be dismissed. Read up more information about the IgxBannerComponent in the official documentation or the ReadMe
  • igxNavbar:
    • Added a new igx-action-icon directive that can be used to provide a custom template to be used instead of the default action icon on the left-most part of the navbar.
      (If igx-action-icon is provided, the default action icon will not be used.)

Bug fixes

  • igxGrid
    • Filter row does not close when click button cancel, if the entered text is deleted (#3198)
    • Prevent a potential memory leak (#3033)
    • Filtering: Open dropdown on Alt+down, fixes input being populated on keyboard action (#3202)
    • Row Selection: selected checkboxes are flickering on vertical scrolling (#2523)
    • Row editing overlay animation should be bottom - top, when overlay is placed over the row (#3184)


30 Nov 16:50
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  • igxGrid
    • resourceStrings property added, which allows changing/localizing strings for component. If a new instance is set,
      the changes will be applied to the particular instance of the component:
        this.grid.resourceStrings = {
            igx_grid_filter: 'My filter',
            igx_grid_filter_row_close: 'My close'
    If only a value is updated, all component instances will be updated:
        this.grid.resourceStrings.igx_grid_filter = 'My filter';
  • igxTimePicker:
    • resourceStrings property added, which allows changing/localizing strings for component.
  • Localization
    • Added an util function changei18n that takes IResourceStrings object as parameter. Its values will be used as resource strings for all components
      in the application.
    • Added an util function getCurrentResourceStrings that returns current resource strings for all components.
  • ISortingEpression:
    • The ignoreCase and strategy properties are moved back to optional, and the DefaultSortingStrategy is now injected by the IgxSorting, instead of being mandatory to pass to expressions.

Bug fixes

  • igxGrid
    • Filter row does not close when click button cancel, if the entered text is deleted (#3198)
    • Prevent a potential memory leak (#3033)
    • Filtering: Open dropdown on Alt+down, fixes input being populated on keyboard action (#3202)
    • Row Selection: selected checkboxes are flickering on vertical scrolling (#2523)
    • Row editing overlay animation should be bottom - top, when overlay is placed over the row (#3184)