A chrome extension that can be used as a TODO app. Commit 1 -
- Added code to store data in localstorage.
- implemented input element to accept new todo task and button to submit new todo task
- Able to read all tasks, and display it in a Para.
TODO - Commit 2:
- Show tasks in a proper list.
- Make function for mark as done/ delete/move back to Todo
- Improve UI
Commits on Jun 13, 2020 - Commit III
- Created functions for marking as done and deleting
- UI creation started for Done screen. Image click functions added for deletion and marking as Done.
- Implementing Button click that change views from TODO => Done or vice versa.
- Storing array of dicts to include extra features for every task.
- Add features of Date of creation and total Tasks Done till date.
- Task priority and task value features
- Download the code from https://github.com/IamAbhiKaushik/toDo-chrome-extension and save in your computer.
- Open chrome, go to - chrome://extensions and Click Load Unpacked.
- Select the folder where you have your code, And that's it.
- Follow https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/getstarted for more help, If needed. ###Great, now you can visit any webpage with http or https origin and you will see an Icon for our new Extension where you can manage your todo Tasks.
- Create an Issue or request any changes. I will be happy to merge your code to make this extension better :)