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DIBS v1.2.0

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@julianbischof julianbischof released this 17 May 06:40

The DIBS v1.2.0 corresponds to the official Python package and the new DIBS-Repositories (see here for details). The DIBS v1.2.0 includes the following improvements:

  1. Dependencies were updated so that the DIBS now works again with the latest versions
  2. The variable t_air was rounded at several places to smooth set point based heating/cooling on/off periods.
  3. Corrected Bug in writing hourly results of Appliance_gains_demands and Appliance_gains_elt_demands. The calculation of both was and is correct in DIBS, but the values were saved incorrectly, resulting in the last-hour value being written in all hours and summed up to the annual values. Consequently, the Appliance_gains_demand_sum and Appliance_gains_elt_demand_sum were wrong in the Excel outputs. This is fixed now. The Bug did not affect any other output results, as the calculation was and is performing correctly.