Repo about Cyber Security Roadmap, Tips, Learning Techniques.
- nslookup - DNS Records,
- whois - Domain Records,
- - Emails Records,
- Namecheckr - Social and Domain Name Availability Records
- Recon-ng - Info Gathering thu Modules,
- RedHawk - Information Gathering, Vul Scanning etc
- Sherlock - Social Media Crawling
- whatweb - Identify technologies used by websites
- theHarvester - E-mails, subdomains
- Metasploitable - Vulnerable Machine
- Basic & Advance Nmap - To scan a network
- Netdiscover - Host Discovery in a netwok
- Nessus Tool - To scan for vuln in a Network
- Bind Shell & Reverse Shell
- Metasploit
- msfconsole - Metasploit Framework Console/Primary Interface
- msfvenom - Payload Generator
- Netcat - To Allow connection over TCP/UDP
- routersploit - Exploitation framework for Embedded devices
- Virus Total - To check payload Detectability
- TheFatRat - Backdoor Generator