Kafka Toolkit v3.1.2
What's new in this release and what has changed
This release is a bugfix release.
#224 Application directory cannot be used as file location for files specified via system property and vmArg parameter
This fix allows a user to bundle a file, for example a configuration file for a security provider, with the application and reference the file in a system property. For example when you place the Kerberos configuration krb5.conf in the etc directory of the application, you can pass the file as
vmArg: "-Djava.security.krb5.conf={applicationDir}/etc/krb5.conf";
to the security provider of the JVM. For use of Kerberos authentication see also this article in the toolkit documentation. -
#222 KafkaConsumer: Reset of CR may fail when partitions are revoked before the reset actually happens
For all changes, please see the CHANGELOG
You find the SPL documentation at https://ibmstreams.github.io/streamsx.kafka/docs/user/SPLDoc/.