The codes of this application are part of the course material "Seismic Analysis of Buildings with OpenseesPy" from JPI Engineering and Innovation
This sample app shows how to parametrically analyze a reinforced concrete building based on a frame structural system, using the finite element package OpenseesPy as a calculation engine.
The goal of the application is to show how the VIKTOR platform is used to provide a graphical interface to OpenseePy-based code. This application shows in a parameterized way the structural analysis of reinforced concrete buildings, applying static analysis and spectral modal analysis in order to know the seismic response of the building in a simplified way.
Although this app only shows analysis in the linear range of the building, it could be extended to perform nonlinear analysis such as PushOver or a Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis.
A published version of this app is available on
A tutorial for this app is available on Humberto Rojas
This is an editor-only app type.