We will get straight to the core point.
One example helps you go through the whole process of using ML/AI to solve a problem.
I hope this work can help you use the algorithm in your work.
Implement a Neural Network (one input layer, one hidden layer with two nodes, one output layer) from the scratch only via Numpy/Pandas
- This is a complete report that explains how the neural network works from the very scratch.
- This is a comprehensive neural network tutorial that covers all aspects of the topic.
- You only need to be familiar with +-x/ and derivative calculation.
- We will go through:
- Forward propagation process with activation function (sigmoid and softmax) in the hidden layer and in the output layer.
- Backward propagation process with derivative calculation and cross-entropy of each parameter (weight and bias).
- Update each parameter (weight and bias) simultaneously.
- This is a classification example.
- Dataset: Iris dataset with 4 features and 3 classifications
- Implement
- data pre-processing (one-hot encode),
- forward propagation,
- backward propagation,
- activation functions,
- cross-entropy (loss calculation),
- derivative calculation,
- update parameters (weight and bias) simultaneously,
- training model on the train dataset,
- prediction in the test dataset,
- accuracy calculation on the test dataset
- from the scratch only via
Digital Image Pre-Processing and pre-knowlegde
- Digital Image Pre-Processing and pre-knowlegde
- Bit depth and Gray Levels (the specific value of each pixel)
read pictures asy,x,c
3 channels.