- https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/blockchain-ecommerce-app
- https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/multisig-wallet - deployed to netlify, kovan testnet
- https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/Decentralized-Autonomous-Organization
- https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/ETB-voting-app
- https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/Buy-Music-with-Ethereum-dApp
- https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/DEX-erc20 - deployed to netlify, kovan testnet
- https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/fork-uniswap
- https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/defi-api - deployed to heroku
- https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/liquidity-mining
https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/develop/security-considerations.html?highlight=check%20effects#use-the-checks-effects-interactions-pattern - when writing functions, use Checks-Effects-Interactions Pattern
https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/brownie - A Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
The .new keyword will deploy an instance of your contract in a new context.
But, .deployed will actually use the contract that you have deployed earlier i.e. when you are using truffle migrate command.
In the context of unit test, it's better to use .new so that you will always start with fresh contract.
Use 'deployer.deploy(YourContract)' in your migration file if you want to store the contract address in the build directory.
If you use 'http://YourContract.new()', the address won't get saved in the build directory.
https://www.mycryptopedia.com/ethereum-abi-explained/ - ABI encoding is usually automated by tools that form part of the compiler or other software, such as wallets capable of interacting with smart contracts. The so-called ABI encoder requires at least a description of the contract’s interface including function names and parameter types. A common way to provide such a description is in a standardized JSON file.
https://kyber.network/ - Kyber is a blockchain-based liquidity protocol that aggregates liquidity from a wide range of reserves, powering instant and secure token exchange in any decentralized application.
https://0x.org/ - 0x API is a professional grade liquidity aggregator enabling the future of DeFi applications
If having errors running npm, Restore ownership of the user's npm related folders, to the current user, like this:_
sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.npm
sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.config
todo https://github.com/Hsien-HsiuLiao/blockchain-ecommerce-app
- migrate to HH ethers
- migrate to Typescript
- use risc0 to verify eth account purchased song and hhas access to play
- add ticker for stablecoins to bottom
- migrate to HH, typescript
- integrate DAO contract so band members can vote on profit distribution
- add contract to get nft after fan buys music
- implement rust backend to get song info, etc from db