Codes and samples were written 💻 to demonstrate the usage of Java with various technologies.
In this repository you will find sample mainly on the following topics:
- Java SE
- Java, Stream API, Lambda Expression, Regular Expression
- Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Hibernate, AOP, Thymleaf, Spring Security, Spring REST
- Spring Boot
- JUnit 5
- Maven
- JavaFX
- Swing
- OpenCV
- Apache POI (e.g. Word, Excel Read/Write)
- QRCode: generate/read QRCode using Zxing library.
- Facebook4j: integrate your application with the Facebook API.
- Database: JDBC (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
- Harwdare: get information of the computer (os, memory, harddisk, mac address, ...)
- IO: load file, ...
- Folders: create folders (mkdirs), ...
- Numbers to words: convert numbers to words (language supported: AR/EN/FR).
- Random: generate unique random numbers.
- OCA: Java certification exam questions samples
- And more!