Welcome, to my personal blog and portfolio. Sharing information is vital and especially in the dev commnunity. The blog showcases my latest works, testomines, articles, about me section, and contact me section. It mainly focuses on my current and most recent accomplishments.
[![NPM Version 7.6.3][npm-image]][npm-url]
The user is brought to the home page where they can navigate to my portfolio, my blog posts, my about me, or contact page. The home page is an introduction to who I am. The is a brief history of my experience with the option to download my resume. Additionally, I have the technologies that I am currently using, a project showcase, an embbed Twitter widget, and testimonies.
This application was developed with a full MERN stack. and written in JavaScript. Styling done with Bootstrap, Material UI, SASS or SCSS and CSS.
M - MongoDB, NoSQL database
E - Express, a back-end framework
R - React, a client side framework
N - NodeJS - to run back end service
Dependencies used:
- Morgan - HTTP request logger middleware for node.js
- Fetch - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Bcrypt - A library to hash passwords
- Mongoose - for MongoDB validation
- React-Bootstrap - a React library for building pre-styled components
- Material UI - a library for building pre-styled components
- SASS - a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets
✅ Own your content
✅ Write using Markdown On Github Issues
✅ Syntax/Code Highlighting
✅ Fully customizable
✅ Tags - Topics
✅ Links
✅ Reactions
✅ View Comments
✅ Images
✅ Minutes Read
✅ Beautiful UI Like Medium
✅ Easy deployment: Using Github Pages
✅ Instant Effects on Blog when changing github issues
✅ Beautiful blockquote
See wiki for details.
See wiki for details.
See wiki for details.
Name | Use Case |
AOS | Animation |
Axios | HTTP client |
bcrypt | |
dompurify | |
framer-motion | |
imagemin | |
markdown | |
marked | |
moment | |
morgan | |
node-cache | |
node-sass | |
react-bootstrap | |
react-bootstrap | |
react-icons | |
react-masonry-css | |
react-sticky-state | |
react-twitter-widgets | |
source-map-explorer | |
styled-components | |
winston |
See wiki for details.
Build image locally
docker build -t hoseacodes_blog .
Run local image in container
docker run --name hoseacodes_blog_c -p 3000:3000 -d hoseacodes_blog
- Fix Docker Image
User login with the ability to add comments and like post.
Routing for 404
Case Studies
- Add Calorie Kicthen, Sneaker-API, Ecommerce-Site, Ecommerce-Backend-Template, React-Crypto, Cypto-Learn, CareerConnect, and Expense-Tracker as project case studies.
- Create a template for all case studies
Confgiure multiple env
- Staging - Dev
- Pass in env to map to env
Syntax/Code Highlighting
Tags - Topics
View Comment -
Minutes Read -
Add unsplash
- When adding a blog image a user should be able to use an unsplash image.
Sign up to newletter on blog page.
- with Brevo
Article Updates
- Save a blog post to favorites
- Save blog post as a draft
- Schedule blog post
- Track views to blog post
- Like a comment
- Handle notifications button on blog post
- Allow signed in user the ability to edit post.
User Updates
- Save user to favorite authors
- Follow the author
- Update your profile page
- View your profile page
- Add Github Actions
- Static Scan
- Dependency Scan
- Lint Errors (ES Lint, Prettier)
- Testing (Unit, Integration, E2E)
- Upload to EOT
- Handle Release
- Handle version
- Create Game Page
- Create Shop Page
- Link shop page with etsy shop
- Allow ability to put in cart
- Allow ability to checkout
- Allow the Ability to see orders
- Hightlight projects
- Pure CSS
- Update Social Ring
- Update Kidvercity
- LeadGen
- SneakerAPI
- CareerConnect - When finished
- UIHeat - When Finished
- Analytics - When finished
- AI Quiz - When finished
- Writemind
- CareerCompose
- Budget App - When finished
- Landing Page
- Cloud Portfolio
- AI Portfolio
- https://kozodoi.me/portfolio/
- http://www.ericwadkins.com/
- https://github.com/thavlik/machine-learning-portfolio?tab=readme-ov-file
- https://aksh-ai.com/
- https://medium.com/muthoni-wanyoike/building-a-strong-ai-portfolio-showcase-your-skills-to-employers-d6be0c999f0a
- https://www.projectpro.io/article/ml-projects-ideas-with-source-code/474
- https://github.com/nitsuga1986/machine-learning-nd-portfolio
- DevOps Portfolio
- https://dev.to/softwaresennin/build-a-stellar-devops-portfolio-with-no-prior-experience-jp8
- https://medium.com/@AnnAfame/how-to-build-your-projects-portfolio-as-a-junior-devops-engineer-252b554f2291
- https://troyingram.net/
- https://adityacprtm.dev/portfolio
- https://adityagundecha.com/
- https://www.mayankdevops.com/
- https://www.jodywan.com/
- https://www.projectpro.io/article/real-time-devops-projects-for-practice/585
- https://www.surajdhakre.xyz/projects
- https://www.knowledgehut.com/blog/devops/devops-projects#devops%C2%A0project-ideas
- FrontEnd Porfolio
- https://itssharl.ee/fr
- https://www.behance.net/gallery/186671031/Portfolio-for-Frontend-Developer?tracking_source=search_projects|frontend+portfolio&l=7 or https://www.behance.net/gallery/186671031/Portfolio-for-Frontend-Developer
- https://tamalsen.dev/
- https://dunks1980.com/
- https://bepatrickdavid.com/
- https://www.lauren-waller.com/
- https://vanholtz.co/
- https://resn.co.nz/
- https://www.seyi.dev/?ref=catalins.tech
- https://cydstumpel.nl/
- Backend Dev
- Game Dev
- Mechnical Engineer
- https://mitcommlab.mit.edu/meche/commkit/portfolio/
- https://www.freelance.pizza/post/build-a-stunning-engineering-portfolio
- https://thanhvtran.com/
- https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5605c610e4b06b221b9e1b52/t/5a9b0a1c0d9297b125485029/1520110148892/Sienna+Magee+Portfolio+v2.pdf
- https://www.hannahgazdus.com/
- https://www.tjwatson.net/
- https://www.williamsadowski.com/Portfolio/DesignPortfolio_Sadowski.pdf
- https://mjaspeg.wixsite.com/mjaspe
- https://www.hardwareishard.net/portfolio-database
- https://fwachter.github.io/
- https://sites.google.com/view/sethschafferportfolio/home
- https://www.colinkeil.com/
- https://evangrant.wordpress.ncsu.edu/
- Electrical Engineer
- Robotics Engineer
- https://www.mccormick.northwestern.edu/robotics/curriculum/featured-project-portfolios.html
- https://www.kuriosityrobotics.com/_files/ugd/065d5b_84b3c96fc00c4ac7bedb8852eeddec67.pdf?index=true
- https://ethanholand.com/
- https://www.jesseweisberg.com/
- https://campussuite-storage.s3.amazonaws.com/prod/1558774/0fe95a24-a31d-11e9-aabe-12253009c2da/2378222/297345ce-9355-11ec-981c-0e9cb3837b5b/file/RoboClovers%20FTC%202021-2022%20Engineering%20Portfolio%20(rev%201.10.21).pdf
- Architect
- Hightlight projects