Releases: Hokudai-SpaceGeodesy/Chaman-S1
Chaman-S1 v0.13
Matlab M-files to perform time-dependent fault modeling, based on linear Kalman Filter
v 0.13-alpha
Matlab M-files to perform time-dependent inversion, based on linear Kalman Filter.
Fault-plane is constructed from triangular meshes that are generated from Gmsh software.
Surface displacements are computed, using analytical solutions for triangular dislocation elements by Meade (2007).
Time-dependent inversion codes for Chaman-S1
Matlab M-files to perform Linear Kalman Filter for fault modeling of InSAR data.
Matlab M-files to perform Kalman-filter-based "time-dependent inversion" from Sentinel-1 InSAR data using triangular dislocation elements in an elastic half-space. Furuya and Matsumoto estimated the co- and posteismic slip distributions by the 2016 moderate earthquakes in the Chaman fault, using these M-files.
Pre-release v0.1