We proposed a novel framework for the defense against model extraction, which offers the possibility to degrade the performance of the surrogate model without sacrificing victim model fidelity. Specifically, AdvFT will interfere with the features of the fake (generated by GAN) by adjusting the model weights to achieve the purpose of disturbing the internal mapping of OOD samples while maintaining ID samples, without extra natural OOD samples used.
Environments: This project uses python=3.8.8 and pytorch=1.7.1
Datasets: Download the datasets and put them into the path of
python AdvFT-master/main.py
If there is already a pretrained pt file of reference model, please comment out the code blow in the 41th line of main.py.
train_model_R(args, Victim_model, train_set, test_set, train_loader, test_loader)
Note that different data has different training ways (in 61th line of main.py)
MNIST and Fashion-MNIST use the Adam and set the learning rate of 0.0001
CIFAR10 uses the SGD and set the learning rate of 0.0001
python AdvFT-master/Attacks/DFME.py
Note that there are two parameters need to set before testing.
pt file of reference model in 24th line of DFME.py.
whether poisoning with DP in 30th line of DFME.py.
parser.add_argument('--poison',type=bool,default=True,help='whether poisoning with DP')
When testing the performance of AdvFT, please using the pt file in fhe fold of
and setting the parameter of poison as False.
python AdvFT-master/Attacks/KnockoffNets.py
Same as DFME, setting the parameters of pt_file and poison at first, and remember to prepare the surrogate data, usually a folder with ImageNets images.
parser.add_argument('--query_set', type=str, default='F:/Python_Project/Data-Agnostic_DNN_Model_Protection/Knockoff/dataset/Imagenet_100K', help='setting the path of ImageNet')
python AdvFT-master/Draw/feature_map.py
Note to set the pt files of reference model and fine-tuned model before.
python AdvFT-master/Draw/M_S_accuracy_epoch.py
The experiment results of AdvFT and DP against DFME
The experiment results of AdvFT and DP against KnockoffNets
The feature maps