This is a java project created using Eclipse. This project contains a code that will be loaded and executed at runtime by DynamicClassLoading Android app.
In the DynamicCode_Java/gen/ folder there are two jar files:
- HiddenBehavior.jar contains the .class file
- dexHiddenBehavior.jar is the jar file that will be used by DynamicClassLoading to download the code. This jar file contains classes.dex file
If you change the code in the DynamicCode_Java/src/edu/uci/seal/icc/, for example to include more ICC attacks, you need to create two new jar files as follows:
Create HiddenBehavior.jar
- Build the project using Java 1.7 not 1.8. If you are using Eclipse, you can change that from the properties of the project
- From Eclipse (File -> Export-> JAR Files) then follow the instructions. Read this for more information
- From a command line: jar cvfm HiddenBehavior.jar manifest.txt *.class. Read this for more information
Create dexHiddenBehavior.jar
- Use "dx" command tool to create this jar file. dx can be found at "android-sdk/ build-tools/[version number]/dx". Then run the following command: dx --dex --output= dexHiddenBehavior.jar path/to/HiddenBehavior.jar
Push dexHiddenBehavior.jar to the emulator using this command:
adb push path/to/dexHiddenBehavior.jar destination-path-on-emulator