Repository for the control of a Positionally and Inertially Aware Pick-and-place Architecture for industrial robots.
Most of the functionality was application-specific, however the Rover
class could be useful as a framework for robot movement.
from piapa import Rover
r = Rover() #create a Rover instance
r.calibrateMag() #calibrate IMU magnetometer
r.forw(0.5) #move forward 0.5m
r.backw(0.5) #move backwards 0.5m
r.pick() #use mechanical arm to pick objects #use mechanical arm to place objects
print(r.hasObject) #returns true if arm has an object, false otherwise
r.turn(30) #turn 30 degrees counterclockwise (no feedback)
r.turnWithAngle(30) #turn 30 degrees counterclockwise (using IMU sensor for angle correction)
print(r.readAngle()) #returns measurement from IMU magnetometer sensor
print(r.avgAngle()) #returns average of 8 IMU magnetometer sensor readings
print(r.readSonic()) #returns measurement from HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
If the library is meant to be used in a similar application as mine, the Map
class could be used in conjuction to it, please
refer to
for further support in accomodation to application.