3rd Project of Google and Udacity Scholarship program 2017/2018: Android Basics Nanodegree.
Application created by Greta Grigutė.
This is Quiz app about Android Basics Udacity and Google Scholarship program.
What my app has:
Multilanguage: English – Lithuanian.
Five layouts/activities: main screen, checkbuton questions/answers, radiobutton questions answers, results and video. All has separate landscape layout to fit the screen nice.
Images: all images has different sizes in all drawable folder from xxxhdpi to mdpi. Of course, you did not notice that on your phone, but I hope it helps for better app performance.
Toasts: there are toast messages for empty answers, for correct answer and for wrong answer. Pushing back button when questions are answered is disabled (no coming back to last activity, instead you get toast asking if you want to restart quiz and if you push back one more time you go to the main page). Toast message appearance is customized - created a separate class.
Progress bar: you can see how many questions you answered.
Quiz questions: there is 10 questions in different tools – editText, checkBox and radioButtons. Question answers are shuffled so if you restart your quiz you get different combination.
Answers: after each question, which is showed in separate view, you see answers:
green – correct answer and red – wrong. Answers are not clickable anymore. Also you see answer pictures. Plus - you get a toast about your points and answer. -
Navigation: you navigate and submit questions with one floating button.
Results: you get 1 point for each correct answer – max 10 points. In results page you see the final points and some additional text corresponding your results, button for sharing your results with others and “present”, which depends on your points (5 different categories).
❗ Spoiler alert ❗ It is about our Scholarship course, but not about coding 😜
🎁 You can find it here.
I hope this quiz will give all students pleasant surprise and I suggest to try this app 😉
Maybe You will find bugs 😰 or maybe you will just enjoy it 😍.
Me - Greta Grigutė 😊