This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 14, 2024. It is now read-only.
Matching English Translation #7695
Google Cloud Build / Stage (dcc-staging)
Oct 31, 2023 in 5m 18s
Build Information
Trigger | Stage |
Build | 17fd7c30-5113-4f64-9eab-c4c445690f1a |
Start | 2023-10-30T18:12:14-07:00 |
Duration | 4m32.819s |
Status | SUCCESS |
Step | Status | Duration |
install | SUCCESS | 56.377s |
prepare | SUCCESS | 5.668s |
build | SUCCESS | 2m53.609s |
deploy | SUCCESS | 27.206s |
finalize | SUCCESS | 3.808s |
starting build "17fd7c30-5113-4f64-9eab-c4c445690f1a"
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: git branch -m <name>
Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/.git/
* branch 728af2431e5b5051593901271ab3cf2ce61638d9 -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 728af24 Matching English Translation
Starting Step #0 - "install"
Step #0 - "install": Pulling image: node:16
Step #0 - "install": 16: Pulling from library/node
Step #0 - "install": 311da6c465ea: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "install": 7e9bf114588c: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "install": ffd9397e94b7: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "install": 513d77925604: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "install": ae3b95bbaa61: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "install": 0e421f66aff4: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "install": ca266fd61921: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "install": ee7d78be1eb9: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "install": 0e421f66aff4: Waiting
Step #0 - "install": ca266fd61921: Waiting
Step #0 - "install": ee7d78be1eb9: Waiting
Step #0 - "install": 513d77925604: Waiting
Step #0 - "install": ae3b95bbaa61: Waiting
Step #0 - "install": 7e9bf114588c: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "install": 7e9bf114588c: Download complete
Step #0 - "install": 311da6c465ea: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "install": 311da6c465ea: Download complete
Step #0 - "install": ffd9397e94b7: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "install": ffd9397e94b7: Download complete
Step #0 - "install": ae3b95bbaa61: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "install": ae3b95bbaa61: Download complete
Step #0 - "install": ca266fd61921: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "install": ca266fd61921: Download complete
Step #0 - "install": ee7d78be1eb9: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "install": ee7d78be1eb9: Download complete
Step #0 - "install": 0e421f66aff4: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "install": 0e421f66aff4: Download complete
Step #0 - "install": 513d77925604: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "install": 513d77925604: Download complete
Step #0 - "install": 311da6c465ea: Pull complete
Step #0 - "install": 7e9bf114588c: Pull complete
Step #0 - "install": ffd9397e94b7: Pull complete
Step #0 - "install": 513d77925604: Pull complete
Step #0 - "install": ae3b95bbaa61: Pull complete
Step #0 - "install": 0e421f66aff4: Pull complete
Step #0 - "install": ca266fd61921: Pull complete
Step #0 - "install": ee7d78be1eb9: Pull complete
Step #0 - "install": Digest: sha256:f77a1aef2da8d83e45ec990f45df50f1a286c5fe8bbfb8c6e4246c6389705c0b
Step #0 - "install": Status: Downloaded newer image for node:16
Step #0 - "install":
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated trim@0.0.1: Use String.prototype.trim() instead
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated rollup-plugin-terser@7.0.2: This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-terser
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1:
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated request-promise@3.0.0: request-promise has been deprecated because it extends the now deprecated request package, see
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated querystring@0.2.1: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated raven@2.6.4: Please upgrade to @sentry/node. See the migration guide
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated libnpmconfig@1.2.1: This module is not used anymore. npm config is parsed by npm itself and by @npmcli/config
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated intl-messageformat-parser@1.8.1: We've written a new parser that's 6x faster and is backwards compatible. Please use @formatjs/icu-messageformat-parser
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated @stylelint/postcss-markdown@0.36.2: Use the original unforked package instead: postcss-markdown
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated @stylelint/postcss-css-in-js@0.37.3: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator@7.18.6: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator instead.
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import@7.18.6: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-dynamic-import instead.
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining@7.21.0: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining instead.
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated @11ty/eleventy-cache-assets@2.3.0: This package has been renamed to @11ty/eleventy-fetch.
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated chokidar@1.7.0: Chokidar 2 will break on node v14+. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x less dependencies.
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.3.2: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated chokidar@2.1.8: Chokidar 2 does not receive security updates since 2019. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x fewer dependencies
Step #0 - "install": npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
Step #0 - "install":
Step #0 - "install": added 2362 packages, and audited 2363 packages in 37s
Step #0 - "install":
Step #0 - "install": 342 packages are looking for funding
Step #0 - "install": run `npm fund` for details
Step #0 - "install":
Step #0 - "install": 57 vulnerabilities (2 low, 30 moderate, 20 high, 5 critical)
Step #0 - "install":
Step #0 - "install": To address issues that do not require attention, run:
Step #0 - "install": npm audit fix
Step #0 - "install":
Step #0 - "install": To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
Step #0 - "install": npm audit fix --force
Step #0 - "install":
Step #0 - "install": Some issues need review, and may require choosing
Step #0 - "install": a different dependency.
Step #0 - "install":
Step #0 - "install": Run `npm audit` for details.
Finished Step #0 - "install"
Starting Step #1 - "prepare"
Step #1 - "prepare": Already have image (with digest): node:16
Step #1 - "prepare":
Step #1 - "prepare": > stage:github
Step #1 - "prepare": > npx gulp --gulpfile gulp-tasks/stageGitHub/index.js --cwd . determineDeploymentType
Step #1 - "prepare":
Step #1 - "prepare": [01:13:17] Using gulpfile /workspace/gulp-tasks/stageGitHub/index.js
Step #1 - "prepare": [01:13:17] Starting 'determineDeploymentType'...
Step #1 - "prepare": Wrote deployment type (static) to /workspace/gulp-tasks/stageGitHub/tmp/deploymentType.txt
Step #1 - "prepare": [01:13:18] Finished 'determineDeploymentType' after 331 ms
Step #1 - "prepare":
Step #1 - "prepare": > stage:github
Step #1 - "prepare": > npx gulp --gulpfile gulp-tasks/stageGitHub/index.js --cwd . announceDeploymentStart
Step #1 - "prepare":
Step #1 - "prepare": [01:13:19] Using gulpfile /workspace/gulp-tasks/stageGitHub/index.js
Step #1 - "prepare": [01:13:19] Starting 'announceDeploymentStart'...
Step #1 - "prepare": [01:13:21] Finished 'announceDeploymentStart' after 1.16 s
Finished Step #1 - "prepare"
Starting Step #2 - "build"
Step #2 - "build": Already have image (with digest): node:16
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > stage:github
Step #2 - "build": > npx gulp --gulpfile gulp-tasks/stageGitHub/index.js --cwd . buildStaticSite
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:23] Using gulpfile /workspace/gulp-tasks/stageGitHub/index.js
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:23] Starting 'buildStaticSite'...
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > production
Step #2 - "build": > NODE_ENV=production npm run setup && NODE_ENV=production npm run eleventy -- --quiet
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > setup
Step #2 - "build": > npm-run-all clean ignore maybe-sync-external gulp rollup
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > clean
Step #2 - "build": > rimraf dist
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > ignore
Step #2 - "build": > node ./tools/eleventyignore
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": Ignoring TRANSLATED docs.
Step #2 - "build": Ignoring native-client docs.
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > maybe-sync-external
Step #2 - "build": > node ./external/maybe-sync-external.js
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > sync-external
Step #2 - "build": > node ./external/sync-external.js
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": ! Synchronized external state from Cloud Storage: [
Step #2 - "build": '.hash',
Step #2 - "build": 'chrome-deprecations.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'chrome-release.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'chrome-types.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'extension-samples.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'external-posts.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'fugu-showcase.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'tweets.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'workbox-types.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'youtube-playlist.json'
Step #2 - "build": ]
Step #2 - "build": ! Preparing CI run, copied: [
Step #2 - "build": 'chrome-deprecations.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'chrome-release.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'extension-samples.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'external-posts.json',
Step #2 - "build": 'tweets.json'
Step #2 - "build": ]
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > gulp
Step #2 - "build": > npx gulp
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:28] Using gulpfile /workspace/gulpfile.js
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:28] Starting 'default'...
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:28] Starting 'sass'...
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:28] Starting 'misc'...
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:28] Starting 'writeVersionInProd'...
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:32] Finished 'sass' after 4.3 s
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:32] Finished 'writeVersionInProd' after 4.3 s
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:32] Finished 'misc' after 4.4 s
Step #2 - "build": [01:13:32] Finished 'default' after 4.41 s
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > rollup
Step #2 - "build": > npx rollup -c
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": �[36m
Step #2 - "build": �[1msite/_js/main.js, site/_js/100.js, site/_js/events.js, site/_js/styleguide.js, site/_js/fugu-showcase.js, site/_js/extension-samples.js�[22m → �[1mdist/js�[22m...�[39m
Step #2 - "build": �[32mcreated �[1mdist/js�[22m in �[1m1.9s�[22m�[39m
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": > eleventy
Step #2 - "build": > eleventy --quiet
Step #2 - "build":
Step #2 - "build": [InlineCssTransformer] dist/_static/googlef742a37b9317d260/index.html does not use any CSS?
Step #2 - "build": [11ty] Copied 721 files / Wrote 2799 files in 156.45 seconds (55.9ms each, v1.0.2)
Step #2 - "build": [01:16:14] Finished 'buildStaticSite' after 2.83 min
Finished Step #2 - "build"
Starting Step #3 - "deploy"
Step #3 - "deploy": Already have image (with digest):
Step #3 - "deploy": Starting deployment ...
Step #3 - "deploy": staticUploading files ...
Step #3 - "deploy": Building synchronization state...
Step #3 - "deploy": Starting synchronization...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/100/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/_static/googlef742a37b9317d260/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/404/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 92.0 B]
/ [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 66.3 KiB]
/ [0 files][ 0.0 B/289.1 KiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/3/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/algolia.json [Content-Type=application/json]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 20.3 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/blinkng/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 20.3 MiB]
/ [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 20.3 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/at-scope/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 20.3 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/2/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 20.3 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/badging-api/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 32.3 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/bluetooth/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/authenticate-secure-payment-confirmation/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 32.3 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/permissions-policy/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/content-indexing-api/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/build-for-webusb/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/css-linear-easing-function/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/browser-fs-access/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/cors-rfc1918-feedback/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 92.0 B/ 32.3 MiB]
/ [0 files][ 92.0 B/ 32.3 MiB]
/ [0 files][ 92.0 B/ 32.3 MiB]
/ [0 files][ 92.0 B/ 32.3 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/secure-payment-confirmation/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/contact-picker/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/css-animation-composition/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 92.0 B/ 32.3 MiB]
/ [0 files][ 92.0 B/ 32.3 MiB]
/ [0 files][ 92.0 B/ 32.3 MiB]
/ [0 files][ 92.0 B/ 45.9 MiB]
/ [0 files][222.9 KiB/ 45.9 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/css-nesting/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/authors/adamraine/feed.xml [Content-Type=application/xml]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][222.9 KiB/ 45.9 MiB]
/ [0 files][222.9 KiB/ 61.6 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/file-system-access/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/declarative-shadow-dom/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/high-definition-css-color-guide/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/hid-examples/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][222.9 KiB/ 61.6 MiB]
/ [0 files][222.9 KiB/ 71.1 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/idle-detection/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/authors/alexdanilo/feed.xml [Content-Type=application/xml]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][376.4 KiB/ 71.1 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/mediastreamtrack-insertable-media-processing/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][376.4 KiB/ 71.1 MiB]
/ [0 files][376.4 KiB/ 71.1 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/inp-in-frameworks/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/display-override/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][485.4 KiB/ 86.0 MiB]
/ [0 files][485.4 KiB/ 86.0 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/gpu-compute/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][485.4 KiB/ 86.0 MiB]
/ [0 files][485.4 KiB/ 86.0 MiB]
/ [0 files][485.4 KiB/ 86.0 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/fetch-streaming-requests/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][578.5 KiB/ 86.0 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/layoutng/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/keyboard-lock/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/inert/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][578.5 KiB/ 96.9 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/local-fonts/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/isinputpending/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][578.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/eyedropper/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/long-animation-frames/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][578.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/generic-sensor/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][578.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
/ [0 files][842.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
/ [0 files][842.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/hid/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/page-lifecycle-api/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][842.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
/ [0 files][842.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/new-headless/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][842.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
/ [0 files][842.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/pwa-manifest-id/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/hidden-until-found/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/nfc/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/post-message-twa/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][842.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/pwa-url-handler/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/periodic-background-sync/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/renderingng-architecture/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/renderingng/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][842.5 KiB/105.5 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/renderingng-data-structures/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][842.5 KiB/114.2 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/urlpattern/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/renderingng-fragmentation/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/tabbed-application-mode/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/web-share-target/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/web-otp/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/webcodecs/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/scroll-driven-animations/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/usb/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 1.1 MiB/114.2 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/serial/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 1.1 MiB/114.2 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/url-protocol-handler/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/reporting-api/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/webtransport/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/websocketstream/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/user-agent-client-hints/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/window-management/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/videong/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 1.1 MiB/114.2 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/webdriver-bidi/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/articles/wake-lock/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 1.1 MiB/114.2 MiB]
Copying file://dist/articles/x-google-ignore-list/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/authors/12/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/authors/2/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/authors/11/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 1.3 MiB/114.2 MiB]
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Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 2.0 MiB/114.2 MiB]
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Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 2.8 MiB/122.7 MiB]
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Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 2.8 MiB/122.7 MiB]
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Step #3 - "deploy": / [0 files][ 3.1 MiB/122.7 MiB]
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/ [0 files][ 3.1 MiB/122.7 MiB]
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Step #3
[Logs truncated due to log size limitations. For full logs, see]
ile://dist/tags/chrome-90/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/chrome-94/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/chrome-97/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][329.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 96% Done 13.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:01
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Copying file://dist/tags/chrome-99/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/chrome-stable/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/chrome-84/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/contacts/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/houdini/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/crux/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/cws/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/chrome-88/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/devtools/5/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/devtools/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/tags/devtools/6/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/dom/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/experiment/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/extensions-news/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/file-system/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/find-issues/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/devtools-engineering/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][332.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 97% Done 13.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:01
Copying file://dist/tags/fugu-case-study/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/privacy/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/headless/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/identity/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
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Copying file://dist/tags/emulate/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][333.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/idle-detection/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][333.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/performance/2/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/tags/html/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/tags/get-started/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][333.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][333.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
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Copying file://dist/tags/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][333.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/insider/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][333.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/javascript/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.1 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/devtools-architecture/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/fonts/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 13.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/new-in-chrome/2/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/devtools-tips/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/new-in-chrome/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/memory/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/lighthouse/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][334.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/extensions/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.0 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/monitoring/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.1 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/new-in-devtools/3/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.1 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.1 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/new-in-chrome/3/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/tags/media/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/tags/new-in-devtools/2/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.1 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/network/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.1 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.1 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.1 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.1 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.1 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/new-in-devtools/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.2 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/new-in-lighthouse/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/tags/news/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.2 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.2 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.2 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/notification-triggers/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][335.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.2 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/new-in-webgpu/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.2 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.2 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/web-app-manifest/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.3 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.3 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 98% Done 14.3 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/origin-trials/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/tags/passkeys/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.3 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.3 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/payments/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.3 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.3 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.3 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.3 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/privacy/2/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.5k/3.6k files][336.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][336.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][336.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][336.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/performance/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.6k/3.6k files][336.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/privacy/3/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/tags/pwa/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/progress-in-the-privacy-sandbox/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/progressive-web-apps/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.4 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/prototype-fixes/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.5 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/proposal/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.5 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.5 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/security/2/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": Copying file://dist/tags/rendering/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.5 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.5 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
\ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.5 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/sensors/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": \ [3.6k/3.6k files][337.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/service-worker/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.1 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.1 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/shape-detection/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.1 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.1 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/sourcemap/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/spc/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/storage/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/devtools-tips/2/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/test-automation/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.6 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/video/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/wasm/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/wake-lock/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][338.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][338.9 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/web-vitals/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][339.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/notifications/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][339.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/webauthn/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][339.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.7 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.1 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/webgpu/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][339.1 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/websocket/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][339.1 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.1 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/websocketstream/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][339.2 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/workbox/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][339.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.3 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/security/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][339.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.4 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.5 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Copying file://dist/tags/test/index.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Step #3 - "deploy": | [3.6k/3.6k files][339.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.8 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.6 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.7 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][339.8 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 99% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
| [3.6k/3.6k files][340.0 MiB/340.0 MiB] 100% Done 14.9 MiB/s ETA 00:00:00
Step #3 - "deploy": Operation completed over 3.6k objects/340.0 MiB.
Step #3 - "deploy": Done uploading!
Finished Step #3 - "deploy"
Starting Step #4 - "finalize"
Step #4 - "finalize": Already have image (with digest): node:16
Step #4 - "finalize":
Step #4 - "finalize": > stage:github
Step #4 - "finalize": > npx gulp --gulpfile gulp-tasks/stageGitHub/index.js --cwd . announceDeploymentFinished
Step #4 - "finalize":
Step #4 - "finalize": [01:16:44] Using gulpfile /workspace/gulp-tasks/stageGitHub/index.js
Step #4 - "finalize": [01:16:44] Starting 'announceDeploymentFinished'...
Step #4 - "finalize": [01:16:45] Finished 'announceDeploymentFinished' after 1.28 s
Finished Step #4 - "finalize"