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Mod Files

steen edited this page Apr 16, 2024 · 23 revisions

Mods you create must have the following 2 files:

  • - The init file for your mod
  • manifest.json - Meta data for your mod

See ModLoader-API for more info.

extends Node

const AUTHORNAME_MODNAME_DIR := "AuthorName-ModName"
const AUTHORNAME_MODNAME_LOG_NAME := "AuthorName-ModName:Main"

var mod_dir_path := ""
var extensions_dir_path := ""
var translations_dir_path := ""

# Before v6.1.0
# func _init(modLoader = ModLoader) -> void:
func _init() -> void:
	mod_dir_path = ModLoaderMod.get_unpacked_dir().plus_file(AUTHORNAME_MODNAME_DIR)
	# Add extensions
	# Add translations

func install_script_extensions() -> void:
	extensions_dir_path = mod_dir_path.plus_file("extensions")
	# extensions_dir_path = mod_dir_path.path_join("extensions") # Godot 4

        # ModLoaderMod.install_script_extension(extensions_dir_path.plus_file(...))

func add_translations() -> void:
	translations_dir_path = mod_dir_path.plus_file("translations")
        # ModLoaderMod.add_translation(translations_dir_path.plus_file(...))

func _ready() -> void:"Ready!", AUTHORNAME_MODNAME_LOG_NAME)

Warning: The const variable you use to log (AUTHORNAME_MODNAME_LOG_NAME in the example above) should always be unique to your own mod, in every file you use it. Otherwise, if another mod uses that same variable, you'll get an error.


	"name": "ModName",
	"namespace": "AuthorName",
	"version_number": "1.0.0",
	"description": "Mod description goes here",
	"website_url": "",
	"dependencies": [
		"Add IDs of other mods here, if your mod needs them to work"
	"extra": {
		"godot": {
			"authors": ["AuthorName"],
			"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
			"description_rich": "",
			"optional_dependencies": ["IDs your mod should load after if they are loaded"],
			"load_before": ["IDs your mod should load before"],
			"incompatibilities": [
				"Add IDs of other mods here, if your mod conflicts with them"
			"compatible_mod_loader_version": ["6.2.0"],
			"compatible_game_version": ["1.2.3"],
			"config_schema": {}

💡 Tip: This uses the structure of Thunderstore packages, which means you can use the same manifest.json for both your mod and your Thunderstore package.

Tips & Best Practices

GDScript has a style guide you can read here. Following the guide will help your code be more consistent, and make it easier to maintain and expand by other modders.

When naming files, use snake_case, and only use the characters A-z, 0-9, and _.

Note: ModLoader mods use hyphens (-) for mod names, but they shouldn't be used in any other case.

Next: API Methods