Zaur Abasmirzoev (@izaurio): Golang generator of client to sql database based on interface
Alexander Grunin (@rootatdarkstar): The borders of applicability of ORMs and data layer isolation patterns
Vladislav Bogomolov (@vladson): Still Alive: readiness — liveness probes для k8s
- Vladislav Bogomolov (@vladson): Still Alive: Унификация healthcheck для SOA
- Vladislav Bogomolov (@vladson): Как не надо переходить с Ruby на Go
- Ilya Danilkin (@nezorflame): Dive into vgo
- Dmitry Saveliev (@dsaveliev): WebAssembly in Go 1.11
- Vladislav Bogomolov (@vladson): Execution tracing in Go 1.11
- Maxim Schepelin (@schepelin): Concurrency pitfalls
- Dmitry Saveliev (@dsaveliev): WebAssembly in Go 1.11
- Max Chechel (@hexdigest): Testing Go Code With GoUnit and Minimock
- Maxim Schepelin (@schepelin): Clean Architecture with Go
- Dmitry Saveliev (@dsaveliev): Beyond the REST
- Eyal Post (@eyalpost): Disassembling Go
- Ilya Danilkin (@nezorflame): Execution tracing in Go 1.11
- Mike Kabischev (@mkabischev): Building observable applications
- Ilya Danilkin (@nezorflame): Dive into vgo
- Ilya Danilkin (@nezorflame): Intro to the Go toolchain
- Mike Kabischev (@mkabischev): How to use Context
- Maxim Ryndin (@masim05): Product web-development in Go (in Russian)
- Stanislav Afanasev (@superstas): Cryptocurrency in Go
- Ilya Danilkin (@nezorflame): Vendoring in Go: present and future
- Zaur Abasmirzoev (@izaurio): Newrelic in Gett
- Mike Kabischev (@mkabischev): Benchmarks measurement, storage & analysis
- Max Chechel (@hexdigest): Using prepared SQL statements in Go without any pain