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A GitHub Action that adds opinionated comments to a PR from Terraform fmt/init/plan output


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Terraform PR Commenter

This project was forked from project, originally created by Rob Burger.


This Docker-based GitHub Action is designed to work in tandem with hashicorp/setup-terraform and terraform-linters/setup-tflint with the wrapper enabled, taking the output from a fmt, init, plan, validate or tflint, formatting it and adding it to a pull request. Any previous comments from this Action are removed to keep the PR timeline clean.

The terraform_wrapper needs to be set to true for the hashicorp/setup-terraform step if using stdout, stderr and the exitcode step outputs like the below examples.

The tflint_wrapper needs to be set to true for the terraform-linters/setup-tflint step if using stdout, stderr and the exitcode step outputs like the below examples.

Support (for now) is limited to Linux as Docker-based GitHub Actions can only be used on Linux runners.


This action can only be run after a Terraform fmt, init, plan, validate or tflint has completed, and the output has been captured. Terraform rarely writes to stdout and stderr in the same action, so the commenter_input needs to be concatenated. For the plan commenter type we recommend saving the output to a file instead of using stdout/stderr as this allows us to bypass size limits for variables so large terraform plans don't need to be truncated.

Example Workflow:

name: Terraform


  TF_WORKSPACE: "example"
  TF_VERSION: "1.4.6"

    name: Run Terraform and Comment
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: HashiCorp - Setup Terraform
      uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v2
        terraform_version: ${{ env.TF_VERSION }}
    - name: Terraform Format
      id: fmt
      run: |
        terraform fmt -check -recursive -diff
      continue-on-error: true
    - name: Post Format Comment
      if: ${{ always() && (steps.fmt.outcome == 'success' || steps.fmt.outcome == 'failure') }}
      uses: GetTerminus/terraform-pr-commenter@v3
        commenter_type: fmt
        commenter_input: ${{ format('{0}{1}', steps.fmt.outputs.stdout, steps.fmt.outputs.stderr) }}
        commenter_exitcode: ${{ steps.fmt.outputs.exitcode }}
    - name: Terraform Init
      id: init
      run: terraform init -lock=false -input=false
    - name: Post Init Comment
      if: ${{ always() && (steps.init.outcome == 'success' || steps.init.outcome == 'failure') }}
      uses: GetTerminus/terraform-pr-commenter@v3
        commenter_type: init
        commenter_input: ${{ format('{0}{1}', steps.init.outputs.stdout, steps.init.outputs.stderr) }}
        commenter_exitcode: ${{ steps.init.outputs.exitcode }}
    - name: Terraform Validate
      id: validate
      run: terraform validate
    - name: Post TF Validate Comment
      if: ${{ always() && (steps.validate.outcome == 'success' || steps.validate.outcome == 'failure') }}
      uses: GetTerminus/terraform-pr-commenter@v3
        commenter_type: validate
        commenter_input: ${{ format('{0}{1}', steps.validate.outputs.stdout, steps.validate.outputs.stderr) }}
        commenter_exitcode: ${{ steps.validate.outputs.exitcode }}
    - name: TFLint - Setup
      id: tflint
      uses: terraform-linters/setup-tflint@v3
        tflint_wrapper_enabled: true
    - name: TFLint - Run
      run: |
        tflint --version
        tflint --init
    - name: Post TFLint Comment
      if: ${{ always() && (steps.tflint.outcome == 'success' || steps.tflint.outcome == 'failure') }}
      uses: GetTerminus/terraform-pr-commenter@dpr-update-commenter
        commenter_type: tflint
        commenter_input: ${{ format('{0}{1}', steps.tflint.outputs.stdout, steps.tflint.outputs.stderr) }}
        commenter_exitcode: ${{ steps.tflint.outputs.exitcode }}
    - name: Terraform Plan
      id: plan
      run: terraform plan -lock=false -input=false |& tee tf_plan.txt
    - uses: GetTerminus/terraform-pr-commenter@v3
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        TF_WORKSPACE: ${{ inputs.terraform_workspace }}
        commenter_type: plan
        commenter_plan_path: tf_plan.txt
        commenter_exitcode: ${{ steps.plan.outputs.exit }}


Name Requirement Description
commenter_type required The type of comment. Options: [fmt, init, plan, validate, tflint]
commenter_input optional The comment to post from a previous step output. For plan commenter type either commenter_input or commenter_plan_path must be set. This is limited to 128KiB
commenter_plan_path optional The plan file path including the filename. Only available for plan commenter types.
commenter_exitcode required The exit code from a previous step output.
terraform_version optional The version of terraform from the workflow. Defaults to 1.4.6.
use_beta_version optional Whether or not to use the beta version of the commenter.

Environment Variables

Name Requirement Description
GITHUB_TOKEN required Used to execute API calls. The ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} already has permissions, but if you're using your own token, ensure it has the repo scope.
TF_WORKSPACE optional Default: default. This is used to separate multiple comments on a pull request in a matrix run.
EXPAND_SUMMARY_DETAILS optional Default: false. This controls whether the comment output is collapsed or not.
HIGHLIGHT_CHANGES optional Default: true. This switches ~ to ! in plan diffs to highlight Terraform changes in orange. Set to false to disable.
COMMENTER_DEBUG optional Default: false. This switches the commenter into debug mode.


  • The commenter requires a pull request to run so the github event must contain a .pull_request.number.
  • For large terraform plans using stdout/stder, there is aproximately 128KiB limit to the size of the commenter_input. If your output is larger than that you will need to either truncate or switch the output to a text file as shown in the workflow example above. An example of how to truncate the plan output is shown below.

Example TF Plan Truncate:

- name: TF Plan - Truncate
  id: plan
  # have to use /bin/bash because GHA runs by default with `set -e` to end execution on any error.
  # we want to capture the error instead.
  shell: '/bin/bash {0}'
  run: |
    # copy the stdout file handle to fd5.
    exec 5>&1

    # merge stderr into stdout and print it to fd5 (parent shell's stdout); exit with the code from terraform plan
    OUTPUT=$(terraform plan -lock=false -input=false 2>&1 | tee /dev/fd/5; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]})

    # store the exit code here

    # github actions doesn't allow us to set a multiline output so we export it to the environment
    EOF=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=15 count=1 status=none | base64)
    echo "${OUTPUT::128000}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
    echo "$EOF" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

    # set exit code for pickup later, and make sure we exit with same code
    echo "exitcode=$EXITCODE" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
    exit $EXITCODE














Troubleshooting & Contributing

Feel free to head over to the Issues tab to see if the issue you're having has already been reported. If not, open a new one and be sure to include as much relevant information as possible, including code-samples, and a description of what you expect to be happening.
