This has been optimised and can be found in CodeClient
Used for getting updated versions of ActionDump + scraping books, this took too long to make.
Download the mod ffs, it requires Fabric API
All files are located in the .minecraft/getactiondump
I connect to df with an alternate IP ( since it seemed to disconnect me less.
Go into chat and run /dumpactioninfo [-c]
(-c uses & codes)
Wait for it to complete. There are roughly 90902 lines and it takes me 95 seconds to complete. This may change based of your internet
Once this is complete, you will be disconnected and sent to a custom menu.
It has three options:
Main Menu: Sends you to the Main Menu.
Copy Data: Copies the data exported to the actiondump (or error data if it's an error screen)
Copy Path: Copies the path in which getactiondump uses.
The database is put into db.json
I detect when any book opens (by player or by DF) and then get the player's main hand item.
This is because the reference book sets the content of itself to what you chose but then resets.
The data is put into book.txt