This repository contains scripts used to analyse MPRA sequencing data
- python >3.0
- Biopython
- samtools
- Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA)
- cutadapt
- seqtk
python -h usage: [-h] [-r1 READ1] [-r2 READ2] [-ds1 DNA_SEQ1 [DNA_SEQ1 ...]] [-ds2 DNA_SEQ2 [DNA_SEQ2 ...]] -o OUTDIR [-i INDEX_DIR] -m {enhancer,cdna,gdna} MPRA sequencing data analysis pipeline. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r1 READ1, --read1 READ1 Path to a gzipped fastq file. Sequences in this file will be mapped against the reference MPRA library to find refSNP containing reads. Required if run --mode='enhancer'. -r2 READ2, --read2 READ2 Path to a gzipped fastq file. Sequences in this file will be used to search for barcodes of refSNPs. Required if run --mode='enhancer'. -ds1 DNA_SEQ1 [DNA_SEQ1 ...], --dna-seq1 DNA_SEQ1 [DNA_SEQ1 ...] Provide a fastq file or a list of space separated fastq files (forward reads) containing 1) cDNA sequences (required if run --mode='cdna') 2) gDNA sequences (required if run --mode='gdna'). -ds2 DNA_SEQ2 [DNA_SEQ2 ...], --dna-seq2 DNA_SEQ2 [DNA_SEQ2 ...] Provide a fastq file or a list of space separated fastq files (reverse reads) containing 1) cDNA sequences (required if run --mode='cdna') or 2) gDNA sequences (required if run --mode='gdna'). -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR Provide a path to save output files. -i INDEX_DIR, --index-dir INDEX_DIR Provide path to the directory where reference index (generated using bwa) files are located and also include prefix of the file -m {enhancer,cdna,gdna}, --mode {enhancer,cdna,gdna} Choose a run mode to find the barcodes from enhancer, cDNA or gDNA sequences