This project consists of my own implementation of basic data structures. The implementation refers to the structures:
- Unordered Array
- Ordered Array
- Binary Search Tree
- AVL Tree
- Hash Array
Each structure supports the following operations:
- Insert record
- Delete record
- Search record
Especially for the Binary Search Tree and the AVL Tree more operations are supported:
- Find Max Record
- Find Min Record
- Preorder, Inorder, Postorder traversal
The main class reads a .txt file which consists of a text and inserts each word to every data structure.
It then generates a Query of a random size and executes the query to each data structure.
Finally, it measures the performance (time) of each data structure to the specific query.
The moreTools header creates the structure of a node for the tree structures and a pair of a word and its frequency for the rest of the structures.
Each data structure consists of a class with its header and the .cpp file.