- 在大恒水星二代USB3.0相机301-125U3C上通过测试,现可在.launch文件中修改相机分辨率、自动增益、帧率、白平衡、曝光时间以及BINNING模式等参数.
- 欲添加其余参数,可以参考galaxy_camera.cpp中void GalaxyCamera::writeConfig()进行修改,同时可参考GxIAPI.h,因为所有接口已在头文件内定义。
- 添加了binning模式,在降低相机分辨率的同时保持图像范围不变,减小vinmonos图像处理压力以提高实时性。
ROS wrapper for the galaxy camera made by Daheng Imaging.
Forked from QiayuanLiao/git@github.com:QiayuanLiao/galaxy_camera.git
- ROS Melodic
- gxiapi
ONLY TESTED ON MER2-302!!! Updated on 2022.04.10: Already Tested on MER2-301.
- ROS - http://wiki.ros.org/ROS
- gxiapi: - download
from http://gb.daheng-imaging.com/CN/Software and install
This is a ros_packages,you should put it in your ROS workspace.
- Get the source:
git clone git@github.com:QiayuanLiao/git@github.com:QiayuanLiao/galaxy_camera.git
- Make in your workspace
source devel/setup.bash
- Connect the camera by USB, run:
roslaunch galaxy_camera MER-139.launch
check the image on rqt_image_view.
Adjust the params in launch file.
rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py --size 7x5 --square 0.030 image:=/galaxy_camera/image_raw camera:=/galaxy_camera
- More information: http://wiki.ros.org/image_pipeline
- Multi-camera support
- nodelet support
- test on other device