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Version 0.7.11

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@Garethp Garethp released this 03 Jun 14:44


0.7.11 - 2016-06-03

  • Added docblocks to the ExchangeWebServices class
  • Added ItemUpdateBuilder::buildUpdateItemChanges() to keep all of that logic out of the API class
  • Added support for deleting a whole physical address, like so PhysicalAddress:Home
  • Removed the contacts:PhysicalAddress:Country DictionaryURI, as it's non-existent
  • Added a FieldURIManager class to handle all of the FieldURI logic
  • Added more enumeration types. They're now auto-generated

0.7.10 - 2016-05-10

  • Changed EWSAutodiscover. Previously it existed, but it was known if it worked or not. It's now been cleaned up and tested
  • HTTP Playback can now playback exceptions
  • Fixed value of PhoneNumberKeyType::TTY_TTD_PHONE


  • Add the ability to delete fields when updating an item

0.7.8 - 2016-05-02

  • Fixing a segmentation fault

0.7.7 - 2016-05-02

  • Added four new Exception types and corrected what ExchangeWebServices throws

0.7.6 - 2016-04-19

  • Added a API::convertIdFormat($itemId, $oldFormat, $destinationFormat, $mailbox) function

0.7.5 - 2016-04-18

  • Removed NTLMSoapClient\Exchange. Folded the few lines of functionality in to NTLMSoapClient
  • Added API::getServerTimezones($timezoneIDs = array(), $fullTimezoneData = false)
  • Added CalendarAPI::acceptMeeting($itemId, $message, $sensitivity = 'Private', $options = array()
  • Added CalendarAPI::declineMeeting($itemId, $message, $sensitivity = 'Private', $options = array()
  • Added ContactsAPI::createContacts($contact, $options=array())
  • Added ContactsAPI::updateContactItem($itemId, $changes)
  • Added some contact examples

0.7.4 - 2016-03-02

  • Introduced the API::deleteFolder($folderId) method
  • Improved OAuth Documentation

0.7.3 - 2016-02-22

  • If a response doesn't have a 'ResponseMessages' Property (such as GetUserAvailabilityResponseType), then don't drill
    down response levels and instead simply return the response

0.7.2 - 2016-01-26

  • Added ContactsAPI for simple usage
  • Added examples for the ContactsAPI
  • Added API::getChildrenFolders($parentFolderId, $options)
  • Made FindFolderParentType and ArrayOfFoldersType iterable like the previous updates
  • Added a CalendarAPI::setFolderId($folderId) method

0.7.1 - 2015-12-07

  • MailAPI::getMailItems() now returns the FindItemParentType, which as of 0.7.0 is iterable.

0.7.0 - 2015-12-04

  • Implemented ArrayAccess, AggregateIterator and Countable on ArrayOfRealItemsType, FindItemParentType and
    GroupedItemsType to let you iterate over them directly. This should allow you to use responses more effectively and
    access other data that was previous lost (such as whether or not the responses returned were paginated). This is a breaking
    change because getCalendarItems() now returned a FindItemParentType object which, while you can use as an array,
    will return false on is_array()