The main purpose of project is creating a application that can perform testing of some remote devices via network protocols (SSH and Telnet).
HTAT is multi module Java-based project that is handled by Gradle Build Tool: Anemone|framework
and Boronia|tests
Java SE 8 was used for this project. Moreover, HTAT uses the following libraries:
- Spring Boot 2 with test module;
- JUnit 5;
- Project Lombok;
- Apache Log4j2;
- JSch;
- Apache Commons Net;
- JCommander.
HTAT project is managed via Gradle Build Tool. If you want to build the project, firstly, you should clone it:
~> git clone
The next step is Gradle wrapper calling and do something like that:
~> cd HTAT
~/HTAT> ./gradlew clean build
If wrapper doesn't work, possibly you should give some rights for file (it will work on Unix and Mac systems):
~/HTAT> chmod +x gradlew
After that you can find executable JAR file in ~/HTAT/Boronia/build/libs - Boronia-VERSION.jar.
When you built and prepared the JAR file, you can perform testing:
~/HTAT> java -jar [VM arguments] Boronia/build/libs/Boronia-[VERSION].jar [application arguments]
Notice: full information about arguments is described into Boronia/ file.
This code is under the MIT license.