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A portal built to help nonprofits apply to work with Bits of Good


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  • React.js: Front-end
  • Next.js: API routes and server-side rendering
  • MongoDB: Permanently storing data
  • Next-Auth and Auth0: Single Sign On (SSO) setup
  • eslint: Automatically identifying and fixing code errors
  • prettier: Setting a common code style and fixing any issues



A running instance of MongoDB is required this project.

  • Decide if you want to run MongoDB locally or remotely
  • Locally
    1. Download MongoDB Community Server
    2. Go through the installation instructions.
      • Leave the port at default 27017
  • Remotely
    1. Create a MongoDB instance on MongoDB Atlas
    2. In Security → Network Access: add the IP address (all IPs)
    3. In Security → Database Access: Add new database user
    4. In Data Storage → Clusters: Find your cluster and click ConnectConnect your application and copy the connection string, set the username and password, and set this as DATABASE_URL in .env.local
  • It's very helpful to install MongoDB Compass to see your database contents


  1. Create a Regular Web Application in Auth0.
  2. In the app settings, add http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/auth0 (and also the prod callback replacing http:///localhost:3000) to Allowed Callback URLs


  1. Clone this project to your computer
  2. Navigate to this project in terminal and enter npm install
  3. Run npm run secrets to sync secrets to .env.local
  • OR Rename .env.local.example to .env.local and fill it out with the dev config
  • NOTE: Windows users will need to run npm run secrets:login and npm run secrets:sync instead of the above command

Updating Env Vars

  • For dev, update .env.local
  • For production, add the env vars to your host, NEVER commit .env to your VCS



To understand this code better, read the Code Tour.

  1. Run npm install
  2. Run npm run dev


  1. Setup your host/vm and the necessary env vars
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run start