BETES (or Baroclinic Ekman Transport Equation Solver) is a wind-driven ocean currents simulator in a surface boundary layer. The BETES code computes a steady-state Boussinesq flow with a small Rossby number in a water finite depth column. Coriolis force and Barothopic & Baroclinic pressure gradients are balanced with vertical diffusion momentum. Ocean stratification is considered by a family of shapes for the eddy viscosity profile with a two-layer formulation, and the horizontal density gradient is known and vary in depth.
Several scripts and documents are provided to learn to work with BETES. In folder src we find the Ekman_model.m
archive which is the main code of BETES.
On the other hand adjustpdfpage.m
and profile_Kz.m
are functions to print the plots in pdf and provide, for the main code, the eddy turbulent viscosity, respectively.
The archive datos_GoC_medios.mat
contains experimental results taken from Mazagón (Huelva, Spain).
In folder doc we find a pdf to describe roughly the numerical scheme used for BETES.
You need MATLAB (version R2020b or later) to run BETES.
The list of the people who contributed to BETES are the following:
- Victor Javier Llorente Lázaro (Technical University of Madrid)
- Manuel Diez Minguito (University of Granada)
- Enrique Manuel Padilla de la Torre (University of Granada)