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iehality committed Sep 14, 2024
1 parent 92c96f6 commit e99da1e
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Showing 9 changed files with 140 additions and 142 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Incompleteness/Arith/D1.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ lemma Language.Theory.Derivation.sound {d : ℕ} (h : (T.codeIn ℕ).Derivation
have : Δ₁ = (p ⫽ Γ) := Sequent.quote_inj (V := ℕ) <| by simp [hΔ₁, h₁]
rcases this
rcases ih d₂ (by simp) dd₂ with ⟨Δ₂, hΔ₂, ⟨b₂⟩⟩
have : Δ₂ = (~p ⫽ Γ) := Sequent.quote_inj (V := ℕ) <| by simp [hΔ₂, h₂]
have : Δ₂ = (p ⫽ Γ) := Sequent.quote_inj (V := ℕ) <| by simp [hΔ₂, h₂]
rcases this
refine ⟨Derivation2.cut b₁ b₂⟩
· rcases by simpa using hΓ
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Incompleteness/Arith/First.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ lemma re_iff_sigma1 {P : ℕ → Prop} : RePred P ↔ 𝚺₁-Predicate P := by
variable (T : Theory ℒₒᵣ) [𝐑₀ ≼ T] [Sigma1Sound T] [T.Delta1Definable]

theorem incomplete : ¬System.Complete T := by
let D : ℕ → Prop := fun n : ℕ ↦ ∃ p : SyntacticSemiformula ℒₒᵣ 1, n = ⌜p⌝ ∧ T ⊢! ~p/[⌜p⌝]
let D : ℕ → Prop := fun n : ℕ ↦ ∃ p : SyntacticSemiformula ℒₒᵣ 1, n = ⌜p⌝ ∧ T ⊢! p/[⌜p⌝]
have D_re : RePred D := by
have : 𝚺₁-Predicate fun p : ℕ ↦
⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.IsSemiformula 1 p ∧ (T.codeIn ℕ).Provable (⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.neg <| ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.substs ?[numeral p] p) := by definability
Expand All @@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ theorem incomplete : ¬System.Complete T := by
let ρ : SyntacticFormula ℒₒᵣ := σ/[⌜σ⌝]
have : ∀ n : ℕ, D n ↔ T ⊢! σ/[‘↑n’] := fun n ↦ by
simpa [Semiformula.coe_substs_eq_substs_coe₁] using re_complete (T := T) (D_re) (x := n)
have : T ⊢! ~ρ ↔ T ⊢! ρ := by
have : T ⊢! ρ ↔ T ⊢! ρ := by
simpa [D, goedelNumber'_def, quote_eq_encode] using this ⌜σ⌝
have con : System.Consistent T := consistent_of_sigma1Sound T
refine LO.System.incomplete_iff_exists_undecidable.mpr ⟨↑ρ, ?_, ?_⟩
· intro h
have : T ⊢! ~↑ρ := by simpa [provable₀_iff] using this.mpr h
have : T ⊢! ↑ρ := by simpa [provable₀_iff] using this.mpr h
exact LO.System.not_consistent_iff_inconsistent.mpr (inconsistent_of_provable_of_unprovable h this) inferInstance
· intro h
have : T ⊢! ↑ρ := (by simpa [provable₀_iff] using h)
Expand Down
84 changes: 42 additions & 42 deletions Incompleteness/Arith/FormalizedArithmetic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ variable {V}

class R₀Theory (T : LOR.TTheory (V := V)) where
refl : T ⊢ (#'0 =' #'0).all
replace (p : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Semiformula (0 + 1)) : T ⊢ (#'1 =' #'0 p^/[(#'1).sing] p^/[(#'0).sing]).all.all
replace (p : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Semiformula (0 + 1)) : T ⊢ (#'1 =' #'0 p^/[(#'1).sing] p^/[(#'0).sing]).all.all
add (n m : V) : T ⊢ (n + m : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝[V].Semiterm 0) =' ↑(n + m)
mul (n m : V) : T ⊢ (n * m : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝[V].Semiterm 0) =' ↑(n * m)
ne {n m : V} : n ≠ m → T ⊢ ↑n ≠' ↑m
ltNumeral (n : V) : T ⊢ (#'0 <' ↑n (tSubstItr (#'0).sing (#'1 =' #'0) n).disj).all
ltNumeral (n : V) : T ⊢ (#'0 <' ↑n (tSubstItr (#'0).sing (#'1 =' #'0) n).disj).all

abbrev oneAbbrev {n} : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝[V].Semiterm n := (1 : V)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,74 +71,74 @@ def eqRefl (t : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t =' t := by
lemma eq_refl! (t : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t =' t := ⟨eqRefl T t⟩

noncomputable def replace (p : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Semiformula (0 + 1)) (t u : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) :
T ⊢ t =' u p^/[t.sing] p^/[u.sing] := by
have : T ⊢ (#'1 =' #'0 p^/[(#'1).sing] p^/[(#'0).sing]).all.all := R₀Theory.replace p
T ⊢ t =' u p^/[t.sing] p^/[u.sing] := by
have : T ⊢ (#'1 =' #'0 p^/[(#'1).sing] p^/[(#'0).sing]).all.all := R₀Theory.replace p
have := by simpa using specialize this t
simpa [Language.SemitermVec.q_of_pos, Language.Semiformula.substs₁,
Language.TSemifromula.substs_substs] using specialize this u

lemma replace! (p : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Semiformula (0 + 1)) (t u : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t =' u p^/[t.sing] p^/[u.sing] := ⟨replace T p t u⟩
lemma replace! (p : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Semiformula (0 + 1)) (t u : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t =' u p^/[t.sing] p^/[u.sing] := ⟨replace T p t u⟩

def eqSymm (t₁ t₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₂ =' t₁ := by
def eqSymm (t₁ t₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₂ =' t₁ := by
apply deduct'
let Γ := [t₁ =' t₂]
have e₁ : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm (by simp [Γ])
have e₂ : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₁ := of <| eqRefl T t₁
have : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₂ t₁ =' t₁ t₂ =' t₁ := of <| by
have : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₂ t₁ =' t₁ t₂ =' t₁ := of <| by
simpa using replace T (#'0 =' t₁.bShift) t₁ t₂
exact this ⨀ e₁ ⨀ e₂

lemma eq_symm! (t₁ t₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ t₂ =' t₁ := ⟨eqSymm T t₁ t₂⟩
lemma eq_symm! (t₁ t₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ t₂ =' t₁ := ⟨eqSymm T t₁ t₂⟩

lemma eq_symm'! {t₁ t₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term} (h : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂) : T ⊢! t₂ =' t₁ := eq_symm! T t₁ t₂ ⨀ h

def eqTrans (t₁ t₂ t₃ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₂ =' t₃ t₁ =' t₃ := by
def eqTrans (t₁ t₂ t₃ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₂ =' t₃ t₁ =' t₃ := by
apply deduct'
apply deduct
let Γ := [t₂ =' t₃, t₁ =' t₂]
have e₁ : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm (by simp [Γ])
have e₂ : Γ ⊢[T] t₂ =' t₃ := FiniteContext.byAxm (by simp [Γ])
have : Γ ⊢[T] t₂ =' t₃ t₁ =' t₂ t₁ =' t₃ := of <| by
have : Γ ⊢[T] t₂ =' t₃ t₁ =' t₂ t₁ =' t₃ := of <| by
simpa using replace T (t₁.bShift =' #'0) t₂ t₃
exact this ⨀ e₂ ⨀ e₁

lemma eq_trans! (t₁ t₂ t₃ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ t₂ =' t₃ t₁ =' t₃ := ⟨eqTrans T t₁ t₂ t₃⟩
lemma eq_trans! (t₁ t₂ t₃ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ t₂ =' t₃ t₁ =' t₃ := ⟨eqTrans T t₁ t₂ t₃⟩

noncomputable def addExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₂) := by
noncomputable def addExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₂) := by
apply deduct'
apply deduct
let Γ := [u₁ =' u₂, t₁ =' t₂]
have bt : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have bu : Γ ⊢[T] u₁ =' u₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₁ + u₁) (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₁) := by
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₁ + u₁) (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₁) := by
have := replace T ((t₁.bShift + u₁.bShift) =' (#'0 + u₁.bShift)) t₁ t₂
simpa using this
have b : Γ ⊢[T] (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₁) := of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bt ⨀ of (eqRefl _ _)
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₁) (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₂) := by
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₁) (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₂) := by
have := replace T ((t₁.bShift + u₁.bShift) =' (t₂.bShift + #'0)) u₁ u₂
simpa using this
exact of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bu ⨀ b

lemma add_ext! (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₂) := ⟨addExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩
lemma add_ext! (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ + u₁) =' (t₂ + u₂) := ⟨addExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩

noncomputable def mulExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₂) := by
noncomputable def mulExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₂) := by
apply deduct'
apply deduct
let Γ := [u₁ =' u₂, t₁ =' t₂]
have bt : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have bu : Γ ⊢[T] u₁ =' u₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₁ * u₁) (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₁) := by
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₁ * u₁) (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₁) := by
have := replace T ((t₁.bShift * u₁.bShift) =' (#'0 * u₁.bShift)) t₁ t₂
simpa using this
have b : Γ ⊢[T] (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₁) := of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bt ⨀ of (eqRefl _ _)
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₁) (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₂) := by
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₁) (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₂) := by
have := replace T ((t₁.bShift * u₁.bShift) =' (t₂.bShift * #'0)) u₁ u₂
simpa using this
exact of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bu ⨀ b

lemma mul_ext! (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₂) := ⟨mulExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩
lemma mul_ext! (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ (t₁ * u₁) =' (t₂ * u₂) := ⟨mulExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩

noncomputable def eqExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ =' u₁ t₂ =' u₂ := by
noncomputable def eqExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ =' u₁ t₂ =' u₂ := by
apply deduct'
apply deduct
apply deduct
Expand All @@ -149,79 +149,79 @@ noncomputable def eqExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t
have e3 : Γ ⊢[T] u₁ =' u₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm (by simp [Γ])
exact (of <| eqTrans T t₂ u₁ u₂) ⨀ ((of <| eqTrans T t₂ t₁ u₁) ⨀ e1 ⨀ e2) ⨀ e3

lemma eq_ext (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ =' u₁ t₂ =' u₂ :=
lemma eq_ext (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ =' u₁ t₂ =' u₂ :=
⟨eqExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩

noncomputable def neExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ ≠' u₁ t₂ ≠' u₂ := by
noncomputable def neExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ ≠' u₁ t₂ ≠' u₂ := by
apply deduct'
apply deduct
apply deduct
let Γ := [t₁ ≠' u₁, u₁ =' u₂, t₁ =' t₂]
have bt : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have bu : Γ ⊢[T] u₁ =' u₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have bl : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ ≠' u₁ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₁ ≠' u₁ t₂ ≠' u₁ := by
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₁ ≠' u₁ t₂ ≠' u₁ := by
have := replace T (#'0 ≠' u₁.bShift) t₁ t₂
simpa using this
have b : Γ ⊢[T] t₂ ≠' u₁ := of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bt ⨀ bl
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ t₂ ≠' u₁ t₂ ≠' u₂ := by
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ t₂ ≠' u₁ t₂ ≠' u₂ := by
simpa using replace T (t₂.bShift ≠' #'0) u₁ u₂
exact of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bu ⨀ b

lemma ne_ext (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ ≠' u₁ t₂ ≠' u₂ :=
lemma ne_ext (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ ≠' u₁ t₂ ≠' u₂ :=
⟨neExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩

noncomputable def ltExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ <' u₁ t₂ <' u₂ := by
noncomputable def ltExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ <' u₁ t₂ <' u₂ := by
apply deduct'
apply deduct
apply deduct
let Γ := [t₁ <' u₁, u₁ =' u₂, t₁ =' t₂]
have bt : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have bu : Γ ⊢[T] u₁ =' u₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have bl : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ <' u₁ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₁ <' u₁ t₂ <' u₁ := by
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₁ <' u₁ t₂ <' u₁ := by
have := replace T (#'0 <' u₁.bShift) t₁ t₂
simpa using this
have b : Γ ⊢[T] t₂ <' u₁ := of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bt ⨀ bl
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ t₂ <' u₁ t₂ <' u₂ := by
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ t₂ <' u₁ t₂ <' u₂ := by
have := replace T (t₂.bShift <' #'0) u₁ u₂
simpa using this
exact of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bu ⨀ b

lemma lt_ext! (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ <' u₁ t₂ <' u₂ := ⟨ltExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩
lemma lt_ext! (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ <' u₁ t₂ <' u₂ := ⟨ltExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩

noncomputable def nltExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ ≮' u₁ t₂ ≮' u₂ := by
noncomputable def nltExt (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ ≮' u₁ t₂ ≮' u₂ := by
apply deduct'
apply deduct
apply deduct
let Γ := [t₁ ≮' u₁, u₁ =' u₂, t₁ =' t₂]
have bt : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ =' t₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have bu : Γ ⊢[T] u₁ =' u₂ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have bl : Γ ⊢[T] t₁ ≮' u₁ := FiniteContext.byAxm <| by simp [Γ]
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₁ ≮' u₁ t₂ ≮' u₁ := by
have : T ⊢ t₁ =' t₂ t₁ ≮' u₁ t₂ ≮' u₁ := by
have := replace T (#'0 ≮' u₁.bShift) t₁ t₂
simpa using this
have b : Γ ⊢[T] t₂ ≮' u₁ := of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bt ⨀ bl
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ t₂ ≮' u₁ t₂ ≮' u₂ := by
have : T ⊢ u₁ =' u₂ t₂ ≮' u₁ t₂ ≮' u₂ := by
have := replace T (t₂.bShift ≮' #'0) u₁ u₂
simpa using this
exact of (Γ := Γ) this ⨀ bu ⨀ b

lemma nlt_ext (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ ≮' u₁ t₂ ≮' u₂ := ⟨nltExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩
lemma nlt_ext (t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂ : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) : T ⊢! t₁ =' t₂ u₁ =' u₂ t₁ ≮' u₁ t₂ ≮' u₂ := ⟨nltExt T t₁ t₂ u₁ u₂⟩

noncomputable def ballReplace (p : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Semiformula (0 + 1)) (t u : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) :
T ⊢ t =' u p.ball t p.ball u := by
T ⊢ t =' u p.ball t p.ball u := by
simpa [Language.TSemifromula.substs_substs] using replace T ((p^/[(#'0).sing]).ball #'0) t u

lemma ball_replace! (p : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Semiformula (0 + 1)) (t u : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) :
T ⊢! t =' u p.ball t p.ball u := ⟨ballReplace T p t u⟩
T ⊢! t =' u p.ball t p.ball u := ⟨ballReplace T p t u⟩

noncomputable def bexReplace (p : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Semiformula (0 + 1)) (t u : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) :
T ⊢ t =' u p.bex t p.bex u := by
T ⊢ t =' u p.bex t p.bex u := by
simpa [Language.TSemifromula.substs_substs] using replace T ((p^/[(#'0).sing]).bex #'0) t u

lemma bex_replace! (p : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Semiformula (0 + 1)) (t u : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) :
T ⊢! t =' u p.bex t p.bex u := ⟨bexReplace T p t u⟩
T ⊢! t =' u p.bex t p.bex u := ⟨bexReplace T p t u⟩

def eqComplete {n m : V} (h : n = m) : T ⊢ ↑n =' ↑m := by
rcases h; exact eqRefl T _
Expand All @@ -240,23 +240,23 @@ def neComplete {n m : V} (h : n ≠ m) : T ⊢ ↑n ≠' ↑m := R₀ h

lemma ne_complete! {n m : V} (h : n ≠ m) : T ⊢! ↑n ≠' ↑m := ⟨neComplete T h⟩

def ltNumeral (t : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) (n : V) : T ⊢ t <' ↑n (tSubstItr t.sing (#'1 =' #'0) n).disj := by
have : T ⊢ (#'0 <' ↑n (tSubstItr (#'0).sing (#'1 =' #'0) n).disj).all := R₀Theory.ltNumeral n
def ltNumeral (t : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) (n : V) : T ⊢ t <' ↑n (tSubstItr t.sing (#'1 =' #'0) n).disj := by
have : T ⊢ (#'0 <' ↑n (tSubstItr (#'0).sing (#'1 =' #'0) n).disj).all := R₀Theory.ltNumeral n
simpa [Language.SemitermVec.q_of_pos, Language.Semiformula.substs₁] using specialize this t

noncomputable def nltNumeral (t : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) (n : V) : T ⊢ t ≮' ↑n (tSubstItr t.sing (#'1 ≠' #'0) n).conj := by
noncomputable def nltNumeral (t : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term) (n : V) : T ⊢ t ≮' ↑n (tSubstItr t.sing (#'1 ≠' #'0) n).conj := by
simpa using negReplaceIff' <| ltNumeral T t n

def ltComplete {n m : V} (h : n < m) : T ⊢ ↑n <' ↑m := by
have : T ⊢ ↑n <' ↑m _ := ltNumeral T n m
have : T ⊢ ↑n <' ↑m _ := ltNumeral T n m
apply andRight this ⨀ ?_
apply disj (i := m - (n + 1)) _ (by simpa using sub_succ_lt_self (by simp [h]))
simpa [nth_tSubstItr', h] using eqRefl T ↑n

lemma lt_complete! {n m : V} (h : n < m) : T ⊢! ↑n <' ↑m := ⟨ltComplete T h⟩

noncomputable def nltComplete {n m : V} (h : m ≤ n) : T ⊢ ↑n ≮' ↑m := by
have : T ⊢ ↑n ≮' ↑m (tSubstItr (↑n : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term).sing (#'1 ≠' #'0) m).conj := by
have : T ⊢ ↑n ≮' ↑m (tSubstItr (↑n : ⌜ℒₒᵣ⌝.Term).sing (#'1 ≠' #'0) m).conj := by
simpa using negReplaceIff' <| ltNumeral T n m
refine andRight this ⨀ ?_
apply conj'
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