cops is a compact python package built on networkx for designing data passing on graphs by allowing agents to act as data mules, transporting data in a intermittent connected configuration. It utilizes Gurobi Optimizer and/or Mosek for efficient optimization to generate plans that fulfill intermittent connectivity contraints. cops implements algorithms and optimization problems from Intermittent Connectivity for Exploration in Communication-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems.
- Install dependencies
sudo apt install graphviz ffmpeg #debian
brew install graphviz ffmpeg #macOS
Install Gurobi Optimizer and/or Mosek
Install cops
git clone && cd cops
pip install .
- Test installation (Optional)
The terminology and methods used in this documentation are defined and described in detailed in the paper Intermittent Connectivity for Exploration in Communication-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems [1]. The main feature of cops is to solve the Intermittent Connectivity Problem (Problem 1) and the Information-Consistent Intermittent Connectivit Problem (Problem 2) in [1] in different problem settings such as in an exploration loop of an initially unknown graph and for scalability using clusters.
The Graph object extends the nx.MultiDiGraph object to a communication-mobility network.
__init__() Constructor.
add_transition_path(transition_edges, w=None) transition_edges: list(object) List of nodes in the transition path. Consecutive nodes are connected in the graph with a 2-way transition edge. w: float Edge weight. Add a transition path to the graph.
add_connectivity_path(connectivity_edges, w=None) connectivity_edges: list(object) List of nodes in the connectivity path. Consecutive nodes are connected in the graph with a 2-way connectivity edge. w: float Edge weight. Add a connectivity path to the graph.
set_frontiers(frontiers) frontiers: dict Dict mapping frontier node id to frontier node reward. Set frontiers with frontier reward in graph.
init_agents(agent_dictionary) agent_dictionary: dict Dict mapping agent id to node position. Init agents in graph.
set_small_node(small_nodes) small_nodes: list(object) List of small node id's. Set node property small to a list of nodes in graph.
is_frontier(v) v: object Node id. returns: bool Check if node is a frontier in the graph.
is_known() returns: bool Check if graph is fully explored.
set_node_positions(position_dictionary) position_dictionary: dict Dict mapping node id's to node position in the xy plane. Set node positions in the xy plane.
plot_graph(filename=None) filename: str Output filename. Generates static plot of the mobility-communication network.
The ConnectivityProblem object is the base class for solving Problem 1 and 2 in [1].
__init__(graph=None, src=None, snk=None, always_src=False, reward_demand=0.4, extra_constr=None, static_agents=None, big_agents=None, final_position=None, master=None, eagents=None, frontier_reward=100, frontier_reward_decay=0.4, reward_dict=None) graph: Graph (default: None) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions. src: set(object) (default: None) Set of source agents. snk: set(object) (default: None) Set of sink agents. always_src: list(object) (default: False) If true, always use source->sink type constraint. reward_demand: list(object) (default: 0.4) Fraction of total reward demanded. extra_constr: list(object) (default: None) Additional constraints. static_agents: set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that don't move. big_agents: set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that can't pass each other final_position: dict(object: object) (default: None) Dict of constraints mapping agents to their final states. master list(object) (default: None) List of master agents. eagents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that can explore frontiers. frontier_reward: float (default: 100) Reward to end at a frontier node. frontier_reward_decay float (default: 0.4) Decay factor for additional agents at frontier node. reward_dict list(object) (default: None) User-defined frontier rewards in addition to frontier_reward. Constructor.
kwargs: dict
Additional arguments to feed the solver.
Solve the ConnectivityProblem using the powerset method.
kwargs: dict
Additional arguments to feed the solver.
Solve the ConnectivityProblem using the adaptive powerset method.
kwargs: dict
Additional arguments to feed the solver.
returns: Solver output object (from cops.problem.***_solve***)
Solve the ConnectivityProblem using the flow method.
kwargs: dict
Additional arguments to feed the solver.
returns: Solver output object (from cops.problem.***_solve***)
Solve the ConnectivityProblem using the flow method.
Using the diameter of the graph as initial time horizon and search for
feasible solution incrementally.
kwargs: dict
Additional arguments to feed the solver.
returns: Solver output object (from cops.problem.***_solve***)
Solve the ConnectivityProblem using the flow method.
Searching for feasible solution incrementally from T = 1.
graph Graph (required) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions.
T int (default: None) Time horizon for the optimization problem.
src set(object) (default: None) Set of source agents.
snk set(object) (default: None) Set of sink agents.
always_src list(object) (default: False) If true, always use source->sink type constraint.
reward_demand list(object) (default: 0.4) Fraction of total reward demanded.
max_reward_demand_iter int (default: 5) Max number of iterations to find a better solutions.
extra_constr list(object) (default: None) Additional constraints.
static_agents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that don't move.
big_agents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that can't pass each other
final_position dict(object: object) (default: None) Dict of constraints mapping agents to their final states.
master list(object) (default: None) List of master agents.
eagents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that can explore frontiers.
frontier_reward float (default: 100) Reward to end at a frontier node.
frontier_reward_decay float (default: 0.4) Decay factor for additional agents at frontier node.
reward_dict list(object) (default: None) User-defined frontier rewards in addition to frontier_reward.
traj dict (default: None) Trajectory part of solution. Dict mapping (agent, time) tuple to node id.
conn dict (default: None) Communication part of solution acting over connectivity edges. Dict mapping time to (node_from, node_to, message_indicator/base-id) tuples.
tran dict (default: None) Communication part of solution acting over transition edges. Dict mapping time to (node_from, node_to, message_indicator/base-id) tuples.
The ClusterProblem class utilize the ConnectivityProblem with a clustering technique for improved scalability as described in [1]. It exposes two methods solve_to_frontier_problem and solve_to_base_problem to allow for exploration of initially unknown graphs.
__init__(graph=None, static_agents=None, big_agents=None, final_position=None, master=None, eagents=None, frontier_reward=100, frontier_reward_decay=0.4, reward_dict=None) graph: Graph (default: None) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions. static_agents: set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that don't move. big_agents: set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that can't pass each other final_position: dict(object: object) (default: None) Dict of constraints mapping agents to their final states. master list(object) (default: None) List of master agents. eagents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that can explore frontiers. frontier_reward: float (default: 100) Reward to end at a frontier node. frontier_reward_decay float (default: 0.4) Decay factor for additional agents at frontier node. reward_dict list(object) (default: None) User-defined frontier rewards in addition to frontier_reward. Constructor.
solve_to_frontier_problem(verbose=False, soft=False, dead=False) verbose: bool (default: False) Print solver output. soft: bool (default: False) Wheter to use hard or soft contraints for subclusters. dead: bool (default: False) Wheter to plan in dead clusters. returns: cops.clustering.***ToFrontierData*** Solve the pre-exploration in [1] using clusters.
solve_to_base_problem(tofront_data, verbose=False, dead=True) tofront_data: ToFrontierData object Output of previous solve_to_frontier_problem problem. verbose: bool (default: False) Print solver output. dead: bool (default: True) Wheter to plan in dead clusters, enables evacuation. Solve the pre-exploration in [1] using clusters.
num_clusters int (default: None) Desired number of clusters.
max_problem_size int (default: 4000) Maximum problem size.
max_centrality_reward int (default: 20) Maximum centrality reward.
evac_reward int (default: 100) Evacuation reward.
graph Graph (required) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions.
static_agents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that don't move.
big_agents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that can't pass each other
final_position dict(object: object) (default: None) Dict of constraints mapping agents to their final states.
master list(object) (default: None) List of master agents.
eagents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that can explore frontiers.
frontier_reward float (default: 100) Reward to end at a frontier node.
frontier_reward_decay float (default: 0.4) Decay factor for additional agents at frontier node.
reward_dict list(object) (default: None) User-defined frontier rewards in addition to frontier_reward.
The ExplorationProblem class implements the exploration algorithm developed in [1].
__init__() Constructor.
solve() Solve the exploration progblem described in [1].
graph Graph (required) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions.
static_agents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that don't move.
eagents set(object) (default: None) Set of agents that can explore frontiers.
The animate module provice multiple functions to vizualize problem solutions and plan execution.
animate.animate(graph, traj, conn, node_colors=None, node_explored=None, node_dead=None, titles=None, unknown_color="white", dead_color="white", STEP_T=1, FPS=20, size=10, filename="animation.mp4", save_static_figures=False) graph: Graph (required) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions. traj: dict (required) Trajectory part of solution. Dict mapping (agent, time) tuple to node id. conn: dict (required) Communication part of solution acting over connectivity edges. Dict mapping time to (node_from, node_to, message_indicator/base-id) tuples. node_colors: dict (default: None) Node colors in animation. Dict mapping (time, node) tuple to color. node_explored: dict (default: None) Node explored indicator. Dict mapping (time, node) tuple to bool. node_dead: dict (default: None) Node dead indicator. Dict mapping (time, node) tuple to bool. titles: dict (default: None) Title in animation at every time step. Dict mapping time to title string. unknown_color: string (default: white) Color used for indicating unknown nodes. dead_color: string (default: white) Color used for indicating dead nodes. STEP_T: int (default: 1) Step time in animation. FPS: int (default: 20) Frames per second in animation. size: inte (default: 10) Size of animation. filename: str (default: animation.mp4) Filename of output animation. save_static_figures: bool (default: False) Save static figures. Generate problem solution animation.
animate.animate_sequence(graph, problem_list, **kwargs) graph: Graph (required) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions. problem_list: list(ConnectivityProblem) (required) List of ConnectivityProblem to animate in a sequence. **kwargs: dict (default: None) Arguments passed to animate. Generate animation of sequence of ConnectivityProblem solutions.
animate.animate_cluster(graph, traj, conn, subgraphs, **kwargs) graph: Graph (required) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions. traj: dict (required) Trajectory part of solution. Dict mapping (agent, time) tuple to node id. conn: dict (required) Communication part of solution acting over connectivity edges. Dict mapping time to (node_from, node_to, message_indicator/base-id) tuples. subgraphs: dict (required) Dict mapping cluster id to list of node id's in cluster. **kwargs: dict (default: None) Arguments passed to animate.***animate***. Generate problem solution animation with clusters.
animate.animate_cluster_sequence(graph, problem_list, **kwargs) graph: Graph (required) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions. problem_list: list (required) List of ClusterProblem to animate in a sequence. **kwargs: dict (default: None) Arguments passed to animate. Generate animation of sequence of ClusterProblem solutions with clusters.
animate.animate_cluster_buildup(graph, problem, STEP_T=2, FPS=20, size=10, filename="clustering_animation.mp4") graph: Graph (required) Mobility-Communication network with initial conditions. problem: ClusterProblem (required) ClusterProblem to animate cluster buildup for. STEP_T: int (default: 2) Step time in animation. FPS: int (default: 20) Frames per second in animation. size: inte (default: 10) Size of animation. filename: str (default: clustering_animation.mp4) Filename of output animation. Generate animation of cluster buildup.
In this example, the cops.problem.ConnectivityProblem class is used to solve Problem 2 in [1] on a the cops.graph.Graph. For simplicity, a linear graph of length 4 will be used. Agent 0 is the master agent and initially in state 0, and agent 1 and 2 are initially in state 2 and 3 respectivelly. Setting the final state reward in state 0, 1, 2 to 1 and in state 3 to 0 should therefore promote a transition of agent 2 to a final state to gain some reward. In addition we enforce intermittent connectivity contraints that data from agent 1 should be transported to anget 1 during the execution.
Example code:
from cops.graph import Graph
from cops.problem import ConnectivityProblem
from cops.animate import animate
# Define graph
n = 4
G = Graph()
G.set_node_positions({i: (0, i) for i in range(n)})
# Define frontiers in the graph
frontiers = {i: 1 for i in range(3)}
# Define agents and their initial position
agent_positions = {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 3}
# Set up the connectivity problem
cp = ConnectivityProblem()
cp.graph = G
cp.T = 6
cp.static_agents = []
cp.master = 0
cp.src = [2]
cp.snk = [1]
# Solve optimization problem using the flow method
cp.solve_flow(master=True, frontier_reward=True,
connectivity=True, cut=True)
# Animate solution
animate(G, cp.traj, cp.conn)
In this example, the cops.problem.ClusteringProblem class is used to explore a initially unknown graph. 10 agents will be used, where agent 0 is the only master. All agents are initially in state 0 which is the only known state from the start. This problem is similar to the DARPA Subterranean Challange focused on in [1]. Just as described in [1], this problem can be solved by running ClusterProblem.solve_to_frontier_problem, ExplorationProblem.solve and ClusterProblem.solve_to_base_problem in a loop until the graph is fully explored.
Example code:
from colorama import Fore, Style
from cops.clustering import ClusterProblem
from cops.explore_problem import ExplorationProblem
from copy import deepcopy
from cops.animate import animate_cluster_sequence
from graph_examples import get_huge_graph
G = get_huge_graph()
# Set initial position of agents
agent_positions = {r: 0 for r in range(10)} # agent:position
# exploration agents
eagents = [r for r in range(10)]
# Set known attribute
for v in G.nodes():
G.nodes[v]["known"] = False
for r, v in agent_positions.items():
G.nodes[v]["known"] = True
problem_list = []
master = 0
master_node = agent_positions[master]
static_agents = [0]
MAXITER = 10000
i_iter = 0
agents_home = True
# MAIN-LOOP----------------------------------------------------------------------
while not G.is_known() or not agents_home:
frontiers = {v: 2 for v in G.nodes if G.is_frontier(v)}
# create sub-graph
g1 = deepcopy(G)
g2 = deepcopy(G)
unknown = [v for v in G.nodes if not G.nodes[v]["known"]]
# Process1-TRAVERSE TO FRONTIERS-----------------------------------------
+ Fore.BLUE
+ "Solving to frontier problem on {} known nodes".format(len(g1))
cp1 = ClusterProblem()
cp1.graph = g1
cp1.master = master
cp1.static_agents = [r for r in static_agents]
# cp1.big_agents = eagents
cp1.eagents = eagents
tofront_data = cp1.solve_to_frontier_problem(verbose=True, soft=True, dead=True)
agent_positions = {r: cp1.traj[(r, cp1.T_sol)] for r in cp1.graph.agents}
# Process2-EXPLORE FRONTIERS---------------------------------------------
ep = ExplorationProblem()
ep.graph = G # full graph
ep.T = 8 # exploration time
ep.static_agents = [r for r in static_agents] # static agents
nonactivated_agents = set(agent_positions.keys()) - set(
r for r_list in tofront_data.active_agents.values() for r in r_list
for r in nonactivated_agents:
ep.graph.agents = agent_positions
ep.eagents = eagents
# Process3-SEND DATA TO BASE---------------------------------------------
print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "Solving to base problem" + Style.RESET_ALL)
cp2 = ClusterProblem()
cp2.graph = g2
cp2.master = master
cp2.static_agents = [r for r in static_agents]
# cp2.big_agents = eagents
cp2.eagents = eagents
cp2.to_frontier_problem = cp1
cp2.solve_to_base_problem(tofront_data, verbose=True, dead=True)
agent_positions = {r: cp2.traj[(r, cp2.T_sol)] for r in cp2.graph.agents}
# check if all agents are home-------------------------------------------
agents_home = True
for r, v in agent_positions.items():
if v != master_node:
agents_home = False
i_iter += 1
if i_iter > MAXITER:
# ANIMATION----------------------------------------------------------------------
print("Whole loop is completed!")
animate_cluster_sequence(G, problem_list, FPS=15, STEP_T=0.5, save_static_figures = True)
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- v.1.0.0: initial launch: cops offers optimization based data transmission plans fulfilling intermittent connectivity contraints.
The following people have contributed to cops: