Nodes to work with results of Extended Object Detection node.
All objects should be detected with distance estimation to it.
- Short Object Memory - remembers position of detected objects for some period of time
- Semantic Map Creator - marks detected objects on map, estimating their sizes
- Kalman Filter Tracker for Unoriented Objects - tracks detected objects without orientation, estimating their speed
- Exteneded Kalman Filter for Oriented Objects - tracks detected objects with orientation, estimating their speed
Remembers objects in moving frame for short period of time.
Simplified algorithm to add new object:
graph LR
classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
A[get new detected object]:::box --> B{type exists?}:::box
B --> |NO|C[add to memory as new]:::box
C --> J[occurance++, forgotten = false]:::box
B --> |YES|D[calc match scores, calc thresh]:::box
D --> E{best match score < thresh}:::box
E --> |NO|C:::box
E --> |YES|I[append to best match]:::box
I --> J:::box
Simplified algorithm to update objects:
graph LR
classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
A{forgotten == true}:::box -->|YES| B{occurance--}:::box
B --> C[occurance == 0]:::box
C --> |YES|D[delete obj]:::box
C --> |NO|E[do nothing]:::box
A --> |NO|F{now - obj_stamp < forget_time}:::box
F -->|NO|E:::box
F -->|YES|I[forgotten = true]:::box
- ~target_frame (string, default: odom) frame for remembered objects
- ~score_multiplyer (double, default: 2) multiplier for score, to check similarity of objects
- ~update_rate_hz (double, default: 5 [hz]) rate of update algorithm (see below)
- ~forget_time (double, default: 10 [sec]) time to remove object if not seen
- ~update_count_thresh (double, default: 0) limit for previous position used for update, if 0 - no limit
- simple_objects (extended_object_detection/SimpleObjectArray) input result of detection
- complex_objects (extended_object_detection/ComplexObjectArray) input result of detection
- ~memory_map (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray) visualization of results
- TODO: results itself!
- ~get_object (object_spatial_tools_ros/GetObject) returns coordinates of object with specified type and subtype, but only if it represented once in memory
- ~get_closest_object (object_spatial_tools_ros/GetClosestObject) returns coordinates of closest object to given frame
- ~ignore_object (object_spatial_tools_ros/IgnoreObject) sets some object to ignore (removes previous info and futher precessing)
Creates an 'semantic map layer' which contains position, names and sizes of objects.
graph TD
classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
A[new objects recieved]:::box
A-->B{type exists}:::box
B --> b{Is min MH dist to saved cluster centroid less thresh?}:::box
b -->|NO| C[Append point to container unmerged data]:::box
b -->|YES| c[Add point to saved cluster]:::box
B -->|NO| D[Create new object container]:::box
c --> E
C --> E
D --> E
E[Free temp clusters, and recluster all unmerged data]:::box
E --> F{Cluster size > min_size}:::box
F -->|YES| G{Cluster size > max_size}:::box
F -->|NO| H[Ignore it]:::box
G -->|YES| J[Add cluster to saved clusters, remove its data from unmerged data]:::box
G -->|NO| K[Add clusters to temp clusters]:::box
J --> L:::box
K --> L:::box
L[Merge intersecting saved clusters]
- ~map_frame (string, default: "map") TF frame, used for mapping.
- ~map_file (string, "/tmp/semantic_map.yaml") Path of map to be loaded.
- ~clear_map_on_start (bool, false) If true creates new map, and save_semantic_map serice will overwrite saved map if exists.
- ~update_map (bool, default: False) If clear_map_on_start is false. If true, loaded map will be updated if exist, else will be crated a new one. If false, that loaded map only will be republished to topics is exist, else programm will be terminated.
- ~pub_rate_sec (float, default: 1.0) If update_map is false, it will be published with such rate.
- ~publish_map_as_markers (bool, default: True) If true marker representation of map is published.
- ~publish_cloud (bool, default: False) If true raw object position is published.
- ~mh_thres (float, default: 3.0) Mahalanobis threshold when new points is added to existing cluster.
- ~cluster_dist_thres (float, default: 3.0) Threshold (in meters?) of distancem which is used to form new cluster by hierarhical clustering.
- ~cluster_min_size (int, default: 10) If cluster size is less, it is ignored.
- ~cluster_max_size (int, default: 100) When cluster size overgrown that value, it is saved and only its params are updated.
- detected_objects (extended_object_detection/SimpleObjectArray) Detected objects to be mapped. If update_map is false, node doesn't subscribe to it.
- ~semantic_map (object_spatial_tools_ros/SematicMap) Full map information for external usage.
- ~semantic_object_map_as_markers (visualiation_msgs/MarkerArray) Map represented for rviz visualization, only published if publish_map_as_markers param is set.
- ~save_semantic_map (std_srvs/Empty) Updates map on it's path, or saves new one if not exist.
- ~clear_map (std_srvs/Empty) Fully clears existed map.
Tracks visually detected objects in 2d space. Works with unoriented objects. Kalman Filter estimates x,y, vx, vy
Simplified algorithm to add new object:
graph LR
classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
A[get new object]:::box --> B{type exists?}:::box
Z[Reject object]:::box
C[start new KF]:::box
D[calc mahalanobis]:::box
E{min maxalanobis < thresh}:::box
e{score > min_score}:::box
f{score > min_score_soft}:::box
B -->|NO|e:::box
B --> |YES|D:::box
D --> E:::box
E --> |NO|e:::box
e --> |YES|C:::box
E --> |YES|f:::box
f --> |YES|F[update KF with object]:::box
f --> |NO|Z:::box
e --> |NO|Z:::box
Simplified algorithm to handle existing filters:
graph LR
classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
A{lifetime > now - last_update}:::box --> |YES|B[remove KF]:::box
A --> |NO|C[predict KF]:::box
- ~target_frame (string, default: odom) frame for tracking
- ~tf_pub_prefix (string, default: "") is set, prefix will be added to broadcasted tf frames
- ~tracked_objects_type_names (list, default: []) object names from object base to track
- ~Qdiag (list, default: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) diagonal values of Q matrix
- ~Rdiag (list, default: [0.1, 0.1]) diagonale values of R matrix
- ~k_decay (double, default: 1) track speed reducer, new step speed will be
k * speed_prev
- ~lifetime (double, default: 0) how long to perform tracking when objects disappears, if 0 - infinite
- ~mahalanobis_max (double, default: 1) Mahalanobis dist when new object might be added to existing track
- ~update_rate_hz (double, default: 5 [hz]) rate of tracker
- ~min_score (double, default: 0.0) threshold for score of detected objects
- ~min_score_soft (double, default: ~min_score) threshold for soft-mode traking, to disable set >= ~min_score
- simple_objects (extended_object_detection/SimpleObjectArray) input result of detection
- complex_objects (extended_object_detection/ComplexObjectArray) input result of detection
- ~vis (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray) visualization of results
- ~tracked_objects (object_spatial_tools_ros/TrackedObjectArray) out results, containg poses and speeds