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Nodes to work with results of Extended Object Detection node.
All objects should be detected with distance estimation to it.


Remembers objects in moving frame for short period of time.
Simplified algorithm to add new object:

graph LR
    classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;

    A[get new detected object]:::box --> B{type exists?}:::box
    B --> |NO|C[add to memory as new]:::box
    C --> J[occurance++, forgotten = false]:::box
    B --> |YES|D[calc match scores, calc thresh]:::box
    D --> E{best match score < thresh}:::box
    E --> |NO|C:::box
    E --> |YES|I[append to best match]:::box
    I --> J:::box

Simplified algorithm to update objects:

graph LR
    classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
    A{forgotten == true}:::box -->|YES| B{occurance--}:::box
    B --> C[occurance == 0]:::box
    C --> |YES|D[delete obj]:::box
    C --> |NO|E[do nothing]:::box
    A --> |NO|F{now - obj_stamp < forget_time}:::box
    F -->|NO|E:::box
    F -->|YES|I[forgotten = true]:::box


  • ~target_frame (string, default: odom) frame for remembered objects
  • ~score_multiplyer (double, default: 2) multiplier for score, to check similarity of objects
  • ~update_rate_hz (double, default: 5 [hz]) rate of update algorithm (see below)
  • ~forget_time (double, default: 10 [sec]) time to remove object if not seen
  • ~update_count_thresh (double, default: 0) limit for previous position used for update, if 0 - no limit

Subscribed topics

  • simple_objects (extended_object_detection/SimpleObjectArray) input result of detection
  • complex_objects (extended_object_detection/ComplexObjectArray) input result of detection

Published topics

  • ~memory_map (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray) visualization of results
  • TODO: results itself!

Provided services

  • ~get_object (object_spatial_tools_ros/GetObject) returns coordinates of object with specified type and subtype, but only if it represented once in memory
  • ~get_closest_object (object_spatial_tools_ros/GetClosestObject) returns coordinates of closest object to given frame
  • ~ignore_object (object_spatial_tools_ros/IgnoreObject) sets some object to ignore (removes previous info and futher precessing)


Creates an 'semantic map layer' which contains position, names and sizes of objects.

graph TD
  classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;

  A[new objects recieved]:::box
  A-->B{type exists}:::box

  B --> b{Is min MH dist to saved cluster centroid less thresh?}:::box

  b -->|NO| C[Append point to container unmerged data]:::box
  b -->|YES| c[Add point to saved cluster]:::box
  B -->|NO| D[Create new object container]:::box

  c --> E
  C --> E
  D --> E
  E[Free temp clusters, and recluster all unmerged data]:::box
  E --> F{Cluster size > min_size}:::box
  F -->|YES| G{Cluster size > max_size}:::box
  F -->|NO| H[Ignore it]:::box

  G -->|YES| J[Add cluster to saved clusters, remove its data from unmerged data]:::box
  G -->|NO| K[Add clusters to temp clusters]:::box
  J --> L:::box
  K --> L:::box
  L[Merge intersecting saved clusters]


  • ~map_frame (string, default: "map") TF frame, used for mapping.
  • ~map_file (string, "/tmp/semantic_map.yaml") Path of map to be loaded.
  • ~clear_map_on_start (bool, false) If true creates new map, and save_semantic_map serice will overwrite saved map if exists.
  • ~update_map (bool, default: False) If clear_map_on_start is false. If true, loaded map will be updated if exist, else will be crated a new one. If false, that loaded map only will be republished to topics is exist, else programm will be terminated.
  • ~pub_rate_sec (float, default: 1.0) If update_map is false, it will be published with such rate.
  • ~publish_map_as_markers (bool, default: True) If true marker representation of map is published.
  • ~publish_cloud (bool, default: False) If true raw object position is published.
  • ~mh_thres (float, default: 3.0) Mahalanobis threshold when new points is added to existing cluster.
  • ~cluster_dist_thres (float, default: 3.0) Threshold (in meters?) of distancem which is used to form new cluster by hierarhical clustering.
  • ~cluster_min_size (int, default: 10) If cluster size is less, it is ignored.
  • ~cluster_max_size (int, default: 100) When cluster size overgrown that value, it is saved and only its params are updated.

Subscibed topics

  • detected_objects (extended_object_detection/SimpleObjectArray) Detected objects to be mapped. If update_map is false, node doesn't subscribe to it.

Published topics

  • ~semantic_map (object_spatial_tools_ros/SematicMap) Full map information for external usage.
  • ~semantic_object_map_as_markers (visualiation_msgs/MarkerArray) Map represented for rviz visualization, only published if publish_map_as_markers param is set.

Provided services

  • ~save_semantic_map (std_srvs/Empty) Updates map on it's path, or saves new one if not exist.
  • ~clear_map (std_srvs/Empty) Fully clears existed map.


Tracks visually detected objects in 2d space. Works with unoriented objects. Kalman Filter estimates x,y, vx, vy parameters.
Simplified algorithm to add new object:

graph LR
    classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
    A[get new object]:::box --> B{type exists?}:::box
    Z[Reject object]:::box
    C[start new KF]:::box   
    D[calc mahalanobis]:::box
    E{min maxalanobis < thresh}:::box
    e{score > min_score}:::box
    f{score > min_score_soft}:::box

    B -->|NO|e:::box
    B --> |YES|D:::box
    D --> E:::box
    E --> |NO|e:::box
    e --> |YES|C:::box
    E --> |YES|f:::box
    f --> |YES|F[update KF with object]:::box
    f --> |NO|Z:::box
    e --> |NO|Z:::box

Simplified algorithm to handle existing filters:

graph LR
    classDef box fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000, stroke-width:2px;
    A{lifetime > now - last_update}:::box --> |YES|B[remove KF]:::box
    A --> |NO|C[predict KF]:::box


  • ~target_frame (string, default: odom) frame for tracking
  • ~tf_pub_prefix (string, default: "") is set, prefix will be added to broadcasted tf frames
  • ~tracked_objects_type_names (list, default: []) object names from object base to track
  • ~Qdiag (list, default: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) diagonal values of Q matrix
  • ~Rdiag (list, default: [0.1, 0.1]) diagonale values of R matrix
  • ~k_decay (double, default: 1) track speed reducer, new step speed will be k * speed_prev
  • ~lifetime (double, default: 0) how long to perform tracking when objects disappears, if 0 - infinite
  • ~mahalanobis_max (double, default: 1) Mahalanobis dist when new object might be added to existing track
  • ~update_rate_hz (double, default: 5 [hz]) rate of tracker
  • ~min_score (double, default: 0.0) threshold for score of detected objects
  • ~min_score_soft (double, default: ~min_score) threshold for soft-mode traking, to disable set >= ~min_score

Subscribed topics

  • simple_objects (extended_object_detection/SimpleObjectArray) input result of detection
  • complex_objects (extended_object_detection/ComplexObjectArray) input result of detection

Published topics