Hi, I'm Eva!
👋 Hi, I'm a Frontend Engineer with expertise in Vue.js, focusing on creating intuitive and responsive user interfaces. I have experience in performance optimization and front-end testing, ensuring seamless, efficient, and reliable applications.
🌱 I'm currently enhancing my frontend skills by mastering React and exploring backend development. This journey is helping me build more cohesive full-stack applications that seamlessly integrate both client-side and server-side technologies.
🤝 As part of the CodeShibaGo Project, I actively support career changers in mastering new technologies and transitioning into tech roles. I thrive on collaboration, working closely with designers and developers to bring ideas to life.
- Python 安裝與環境
- scroll snap
- 自訂 Quasar 日期選擇器:實現 Year/Month 選擇功能
- 如何在前端實現文件下載:以 Excel 文件為例
- 使用 Vue3 與 Tiptap 打造文字編輯器
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