Charge your Electric Vehicle when the utility rate is the lowest
Currently only Tesla is supported.
This AppDaemon app for Home Assistant require a sensor to get the hourly rate. Currently the Nordpool Custom Component is supported. It also requires the Tesla Integration to work.
This is an example configuration that will make sure charging is completed by 07:30 in the morning. You can also enter an entity I'd of an input datetime (time only) entity in order to be able to easily change the time from Lovelace GUI
Please Note: You need to change the entities to match your setup.
module: ev_charge_control
class: SmartCharging
finish_at_latest_by: "07:30"
- entity: sensor.nordpool_kwh_se3_sek_3_1000_025,raw_today
required: Yes
- entity: sensor.nordpool_kwh_se3_sek_3_1000_025,raw_tomorrow
required: Yes
charger_switch: switch.model_3_charger
charging_state: binary_sensor.model_3_charger,charging_state
charging_state_stopped: Stopped
charging_state_charging: Charging
charging_state_complete: Complete
device_tracker: device_tracker.model_3_location_tracker
time_left: sensor.model_3_charging_rate,time_left
start_by_the_latest_at: "03:00"
debug: no