This widget can be used to upload an image file (PNG, JPEG, JPG or BMP) and modify the image in the following ways:
- Zoom In/Out
- Pan
- Rotate Clockwise/Counterclockwise
- Crop/Save
- Upload
- Download
Additional features include
- Translations for button labels
- Rendering buttons using only icons to save space
- Glyphicon icon customization
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
This application was created using the following versions:
- Node v18.3.0
- NPM v8.15.0
To set up the project, install the following packages:
npm i react-image-crop
npm i react-easy-crop
npm i @material-ui/core
To start the application, run the following command: npm start
The widget can be found in the following location: ../dist/1.0.0/io.entidad.widget.EasyImage.mpk Copy the widget and paste it inside the "widgets" folder in your application. After synchronizing the application, locate the widget with the name "io.entidad.widget.EasyImage.mpk" under the tools. You can then drag and drop it into a container
The widget requires the following parameters to be passed:
- Image entity type
- Image GUID or Image URL Image URL takes priority over GUID
- Optional On Save Microflow or Nanoflow