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User Guide
Welcome to OLGA user guide, this provides an introduction to OLGA and how it can be used to instantiate an Ontology Model
OLGA is Java 8 based and relies on Maven to compile the generated code. Therefore, the following must be installed:
- Java 8 (JDK)
- Maven with a version > 3.5.0
- M2_HOME must be set as an environment variable name
The other are optional, please read about the supported profiles when building OLGA.
For .Net code compilation:
- .Net SDK for C# libraries build.
For Python Code generation (optional) however, the maven build needs to skip the tests (-DskipTests=true)
Python with (version == 2.7) installed, RDFAlchemy is still not python 3 compliant.
Pip installed
pip install twine
pip install wheel
pip install --upgrade setuptools setuptools
Download RDFAlchemy.tar.gz and pip install RDFAlchemy.tar.gz.
Or download the source code from RDFAlchemy github and install it
python setup.py install
RDFAchemy is a Python based serializer, it is an extension for RDFAlchemy. It is very easy to use. It relies on code decoration.
OLGA is composed of three modules as shown in the figure below.
- OLGA Core: is the main module of OLGA which contains all the interfaces and implementations
- OLGA CLI: is the CLI module which allows OLGA-Core to be invoked through a command line interface
- OLGA WS: is the WebService REST module which allows OLGA-Core to be invoked through a REST call
After the prerequisites are installed and the M2_home is set, it is now possible to compile OLGA either to be called from a WebService or from a CLI.
OLGA supports Profiles
which allows to execute tests only for a specific language (Java, Csharp, or Python). The reason behind the profiles is to allow users to select the languages they are interested in and therefore install only the required dependencies.
- Java profile:
-P java
- Python profile:
-P python
- CSharp profile:
-P csharp
For example to run the the OLGA-Core
and OLGA-Cli
to generate and compile code in Java only:
mvn clean install --projects OLGA-Core,OLGA-Cli -P java
Go to the OLGA root folder, and use the following maven command to compile the source code for OLGA to be invoked from a CLI:
mvn clean install --projects OLGA-Core,OLGA-Cli
To skip the tests, use the following command:
mvn clean install --projects OLGA-Core,OLGA-Cli -DskipTests=true
Use the following maven command to compile the source code for OLGA to be invoked from a REST Call:
mvn clean install --projects OLGA-Core,OLGA-Ws
To skip the tests, use the following command:
mvn clean install --projects OLGA-Core,OLGA-Ws -DskipTests=true
The previous phase packages the dependencies in a single jar ready to be used to start generating libraries from ontology files.
The following command invokes OLGA from a CLI and generates a library from Saref ontology:
java -jar OLGA-Cli\target\OLGA-0.0.4-with-dependencies.jar --code cs --library trinity --name Saref --path .\src\test\resources\saref\
This command will generate a saref-Trinity.dll at the following path:
On the other hand when the user wants to run it as web service, the jar file in OLGA-Ws/target needs to be executed. To interact with this server by sending a REST POST request such as:
More information about the WebService module usage can be found https://github.com/EcoStruxure/OLGA/wiki/Webservice-User-Guide
OLGA uses Google Container Tool, JIB, which makes the containerization of any module like a breeze, by just adding an image hub info in the configuration clause under JIB plug in pom.xml and running mvn command.
or it is possible to generate the image locally as .tar file by running this command:
mvn compile jib
OLGA can be configured with the following options:
Option | Argument | Description | Restriction |
--path | path | a folder path to one or more ontology | Mandatory |
--code | code label | generated code: cs, java, or py | Mandatory |
--library | library label | dependency on a library: Trinity, RDF4J | Mandatory |
--name | ${string} | Desired Generated Library Name | Mandatory |
--out | path | a path to output directory | Optional |
-preserve | None | relies on the Ontology URI when generating folder structure. When two or more ontologies are given as an input to OLGA it is preferable to use "-preserve" option to avoid overwriting the identical names entities | Optional |
--version | <major>.<minor>.<build>.<revision> |
By default OLGA assigns the Ontology version to the generated library. When the version is missing, OLGA version is assigned to the generated library. This option allows the user to force the version of the generated library | Optional |
-partial | None | Relevant for C# code generation only, appends the keyword partial to the generated code |
Optional |
-skipCompile | None | Skips the compilation and packaging after generating the code source | Optional |
-skipInverseRelations | None | Skips inverse relations during code generation | Optional |
OLGA is a powerful tool aiming to generate libraries from ontologies. However, some restrictions apply:
The following keywords are reserved in both C# and Java as class, package or namespace name, therefore they cannot be used in the Ontology Model. OLGA will detect those keywords and stop the code generation.
These keywords are:
- abstract, as, assert, base, bool, boolean, break
- byte, case, catch, char, checked, class, const,
- continue, decimal, default, delegate, do, double, else
- enum, extends, event, explicit, extern, false, final
- finally, fixed, float, for, foreach, goto, if
- implicit, implements, import, in, int interface, internal
- instanceof, is, lock, long, native, namespace, new
- null, object, operator, out, override, params, package
- private, protected, public, readonly, ref, return, sbyte
- sealed, short, sizeof, stackalloc, strictfp, super, static
- string, struct, switch, this, transient, throw, throws
- true, try, typeof, uint, ulong, unchecked, unsafe
- ushort, using, using static, virtual, void, volatile, while
Cannot use special characters in the URI or class name. These characters are: {`~!@#$%^&*()-+={}[]|:;"'?/<>,.}.
Cannot start any entity name "Class, object property or data property" with number or empty string.
When an ontology is dependent on one or other ontologies:
- The ontology and its dependencies need to be placed in the same folder.
- If Protégé is used, make sure to remove the file path dependencies.
- When two or more ontologies are given as an input to OLGA it is advisable to use "-preserve" option to avoid overwriting the identical names entities.
When an Object/Data property is identified more than once OLGA will prioritize according to the following priorities (higher to lower):
- exactly
- max
- min
- only
- some
In the following example:
(1) Alice knows Bob
(2) Alice knows only Bob
OLGA will take into consideration the more restrictive case (2) since owl:Restriction
is more restrictive than owl:ObjectProperty
Individuals with new Object/Data properties which are non existent on the Class will not be generated by OLGA.
The Ontology language offers more expressivity than the object oriented model. Therefore, the code generation for union and intersection expressions require a special handling.
Currently, OLGA supports these expressions by splitting the union/intersections into several expressions. For example, the following expression:
ComfortSensors measures only (Temperature or Humidity)
Will be split into the two expressions and code generated as following:
(1) ComfortSensors measures only Temperature
(2) ComfortSensors measures only Humidity
According to the RFC3986 the generic URI syntax consists of a hierarchical sequence of components referred to as the scheme, authority, path, query, and fragment.
URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty
/ path-absolute
/ path-rootless
/ path-empty
In simple terms the .Net implementation will transform the following URI:
to http://www.example.com/#MyConcept
by adding an extra / before #MyConcept.
This can cause problems depending whether a persistence triple store will consider both forms the same or not. If they are not considered the same, SPARQL queries or LINQ queries will not return any result.
OLGA generates code based on an Ontology model.
The Semantic community established best practices when creating models which are very different from the developers best practices and code conventions. Therefore, since OLGA is about enabling developers, the code generation has to take the developers best practices into account.
Below is an example where a transformation is applied:
ObjectProperty convention: Building hasFloor some Floor
will be transformed to the following C# method
List<Floor> Floors
. OLGA will transform hasFloor some
to a list and transform Floor to its plural form.
The Ontology axioms are generated in C# as follows:
A hasX some B
-->List<B> X()
A hasX only B
-->List<B> X()
A hasX max 1 B
-->B X()
Next, try a hello world example to get started.