This is a set of links to other repositories that are part of the EasyDiffraction project, which is based on the EasyScience framework.
- EasyDiffractionLib - Core Python library, the foundation of EasyDiffraction.
- EasyDiffractionApp - Main repository of EasyDiffraction GUI application.
- EasyDiffractionBeta - Beta version of the GUI application, mainly for testing new features.
- EasyDiffractionWww - Content for the main website.
- EasyDiffractionAppDocs - User documentation for the EasyDiffraction GUI application.
- EasyDiffractionLibDocs - User documentation for the EasyDiffraction Python library.
- EasyScience - The foundation of the EasyScience family of projects.
- EasyCrystallography - Library for generating and manipulating crystal structures.
- EasyApp - Application skeleton for the EasyScience framework, written in QML.