A debug output library which is used to visualize different datatypes.
It is an alternative to var_dump() that only requires a simple file and no external dependency.
It also allows, variables, arrays, objects, etc.
Initially was developed by ospinto and updated by kolanich
It is a comparison between dBug and var_dump:
- This fork adds the changes from kolanich and ospinto. (I'm not pulling back because I removed some features)
- It also adds a new functionality, to be able to show the values without the variable types.
- Doxigen is removed. Instead, it used phpdoc (it's more standard). I also removed all references to it.
- Updated composer.json
- Reformatted .php file
- Adding use to classes.
- Removed unused variables and fields.
- Refactored some methods and some for are converted into foreach.
- docs and examples removed from non-dev installation (.gitattributes)
Usage with variables:
new dBug\dBug($someVariable);
Forcing the type :
new dBug\dBug($someVariable,'array');
Default collapsed :
new dBug\dBug($someVariable,'array',true);
Or without variable types
new dBug\dBug($someVariable,'',false,false);
- Copy dBug.php in some folder.
- Include in your code: include 'dBug.php';
- Call it: new dBug\dBug($variable);
Add the next lines to composer.json and rebuild
"name": "eftec/dBug",
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/eftec/dBug.git"
"require": {
"eftec/dBug": "dev-master"
Extended PHP version of ColdFusion's cfdump.
Outputs colored and structured tabular variable information.
Variable types supported are: Arrays, Classes/Objects, Database and XML Resources.
Ability to force certain types of output. Example: You can force an object variable to be outputted as an array type variable.
Stylesheet can be easily edited.
Table cells can be expanded and collapsed.
It's FREE!!!